

New Member

I was wondering due to limited playing experience how common are finger fractures while fielding, fielding to your bowling and batting. Would not really like to have one especially with a dislocation with all the ligaments , tendons, vessels and nerves around them
Re: Fractures

i'm pretty sure two of my fingers and a thumb are either fractured or just knackered!

but in answer to your question, i'd say quite common!
Re: Fractures

Its a difficult one. Dislocations happen then, as you know, they become common rather than it being a common occurrence.
Re: Fractures

I ask because the first time i fielding i was talking to one of the experienced players who is a pathologist(yikes). He is a very good offspin bowler full of guile. He told me he does not have one bone in his hand that was not broken. Scary... well he cuts up bodies i told myself what do you expect
Re: Fractures

Yeah I knocked my thumb 5 weeks ago trying to catch a ball that came straight back at me from bowling - it was coming into my stomach and I just got my hand there somehow and it caught the thumb and nothing else. It still hurts now and is tender at the point it hit? Who knows could be bruised still but nothing is visible. I think in almost every match I come away with swollen fingers which is a bummer when I'm a bowler!
Re: Fractures

i dont think i have had a noral match behind the stumps unless something hurts!

ive recently started keeping wicket for the firsts and after last weeks game with the Zimbabwean bowler at 80 mph plus my left hand is still bruised!
Re: Fractures

mysteryspinner said:
...he does not have one bone in his hand that was not broken.

That is very unusual. He either has/had a suspect technique or fell on the wrong side of the local gang lord!
Re: Fractures

It really depends upon where you field. I've hurt my fingers frequently over the years and most of them have been trying to take a caught and bowled or when fielding at a close in position. One of my fingers has been permanently disfigured because I didn't realize that it was broken and kept on playing for weeks.
Re: Fractures

AB said:
One of my fingers has been permanently disfigured because I didn't realize that it was broken and kept on playing for weeks.
Now that is common, especially in men [for some reason] :D

However, considering there are 27 bones in each hand, I think you've had your leg pulled mysteryspinner ;)
Re: Fractures

When i said every bone i did not mean it literally...very picky. I meant he practically had a phalanx or metacarpal fracture in quite a few. They looked pretty deformed , i was quite shocked :eek:
Re: Fractures

Ed that was an article.
64 Years old David Morrison has a passion for the game with 45 years of wicketkeeping.
That is commitment and passion for the game.
One thing was noticeable that he was reluctant to seek medical attention for the fear of losing his place in the team.
Undying passion :thumbup1: :thumbup1: