Nov 20, all words and cartoon. 6m 29s forgot to add my points. about 900 from memory
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QUIZ: 13/16. only gave me 65%??

Thomas see if you can find a general knowledge quiz suitable to our intellects.
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21 Nov Jumble all answered - 890 score - 3m 32s
I failed completely. Only got 2 words and not the cartoon within 4:44....

BTW, did you notice that the date given top left is 21 Nov and the date given for the jumble is 20 Nov? Which date shall we refer to?
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BTW, did you notice that the date given top left is 21 Nov and the date given for the jumble is 20 Nov? Which date shall we refer to?
Sorry I should have typed Nov 20. The cartoon was CATCH ON.
I had three wrong. Yes very American centric.