GCA Div 1 rd9 Grand Final Rematch South Barwon v Grovedale

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Re: GCA Div 1 rd9 Grand Final Rematch South Barwon v Grovedale

Event will be closed due to incorrect odds.

Users such as Tongs are taking advantage of the system and getting a guaranteed win.

Next time when making odds keep in mind when it says $1.85 that is actually $2.85.

Odds this generous are allowed but the "allow multiple bets" option must not be ticked.
Re: GCA Div 1 rd9 Grand Final Rematch South Barwon v Grovedale

Event abandoned.

I'm not accusing people of cheating intentionally and it seems that this in case, an enterprising member decided to take advantage of a genuine mistake but bear this in mind:
We allow you to run vBookie events based on trust, both the ones setting the event to those betting on them. If people take the piss, then only certain members will be given the privileged to run events.

As has been mentioned, when setting events can we make sure that the multiple bets option is not ticked, that way it returns the event to what it's meant to be - a gamble!

Thank you! :)

Thread closed - SBoW you can redo the event if you wish, in a fresh thread.
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