Gym Workouts/routines


I'm looking for some advice here, probably from Liz or micoach as I know they're pretty hot on this sort of thing. As previously stated, I am a finger spinner, and a lower order bat. I'm 5"10, and 10 stone 6. Fairly slim, but I'm trying to put on a bit of muscle because I'm not what you'd call "hench" by any stretch of the imagination. I go to the gym 4 times a week, and do some abs/core work at home once a week, in this sort of order:
Monday - Back, Shoulders, Chest, Arms
Tuesday - Legs
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - as Monday
Friday - as Tuesday
Saturday - Abs/core
Sunday - Rest

My Back/Shoulders/Chest/Arms workout is as follows: (In 5 sets of 10 reps unless stated otherwise)

Chest press @ 50kg
Lat pull downs @ 50kg
Tricep Pushdowns @ 15kg
Bicep Curls @ 15kg
Upright row @ 20kg
Bench press @ 15kg
1 arm kneeling row @ 12kg
Dumbbell press @ 12kg
Dumbbell fly @ 10kg
any amount of press-ups that I can do at the end (probably about 20 by this time)

and my legs workout is
50 x leg press @ 130kg
50 x rotary calf (calf raise machine) @55kg
100 x squats @ 25kg
100 x deadlifts @ 25kg
50 x leg extension machine @ 70kg

As a cricketer, is there anything there that I shouldn't really be doing, or that could be replaced by something else? Is there anything I am missing? I use my pull-up bar in my room whenever I feel like it, but I think I should incorporate this into my upper body workout. For the record, my abs/core workout is revolved around the plank/leg raises, and I do some cardio but not too much because they seem to be more geared towards endurance related sports like football or rugby, as opposed to static-explosive sports such as cricket.
Thanks all,
Hi Ben,

Your question is really not that simple. :(

What you are doing at the moment is fine for a novice and really well thought out. However, if you want to work on both muscular strength and muscular endurance, you need to change the way you work out.

Firstly, I need you to understand that I, as a personal trainer, would not touch you without written consent from your consultant. I have not yet received a refusal but it is really important to check any contraindications. In fact, I have always found much better results... in both areas... when cross communication is open.

Now that has been said... and I hope taken on board. I would work towards pyramid programming with you. This is very strenuous and therefore an advanced method of developing maximum strength capacity, based around the establishment of the one rep max... hence, 'work towards'.

I would start you with the Berger System [that's with an 'e' not a 'u' :D]. To do this I would need you to ascertain your six rep max on all your exercises. I am afraid this is best done by trial and error.

Liz, is the pyramid system the "best" workout then? I've been a little lazy with my gym work lately but I'm picking it back up hard in preparation for the imminent arrival of the new cricket season. one of the guys at my club used to be a firefighter though and hes also a qualified PT, and he was talking about the pyramid system a while back as being the best way to get results. i sort of dismissed it as I hadn't heard it mentioned anywhere else, but now that you've brought it up it makes me wonder if it has more merit than I had given credit for?

Also, with regards muscular endurance, I've been trying to get my head around this lately. In terms of strength I am at a certain level, and can lift/push/whatever more weight than I need to for certain activities. however, trying to do that for sustained periods of time I struggle, my muscles get "worn out" (long before I get worn out from cardio) too quickly, so I'm thinking this is what is meant by muscular endurance? what is the best way to improve it? would spending ages on the rowing machine at high resistance help?

sorry to hijack the thread a little, but I think my questions are probably quite relevant to the original topic. what does your core workout consist of Tumo?
Jim - My core workout consists mainly of planks (normal and sides), woodchops or whatever they call it (kettleball or medicine ball) and leg raises, medicine ball slams, and a few other bits and bobs, I can't remember off the top of my head!
do you use a gym, or do your workouts at home? if youre at a gym then they probably have a vibroplate machine somewhere, and you can do the planks (with your feet raised on a medicine ball) and side planks (with dips) with your arms on the vibroplate, set at high intensity for 30 seconds, and it works you loads harder than if you hold them static for ages.

another good core exercise i do is the Pallof press, which requires a cable machine. youre using your core to resist rotation which i think is particularly useful for bowlers as our actions involve a lot of twisting, and having the resistance in the core means you can reduce this and the risk of injury from it. i noticed a massive improvement in my obliques (both visually and strength wise) in just a few sessions.

I have yet to meet a firefighter [PT or not], who does not know what he/she is doing in the gym. ;)

I have not mentioned Pyramid programming on here before because it is not something I would even begin to entertain without an S&C coach or PT in attendance. If you can get hold of this guy, get him to help you with 'stripping'.

However, if you can get hold of this guy, it would be better to get him to help you with Olympic Lifts. Weightlifting exercises are far better for the sportsman than bodybuilding exercises. Again, don't consider it without expert advice and help!

Not sure I'm ready for olympic lifts yet really, need to keep working on my general strength as I've been lazy since Xmas and still haven't got my core strong enough. Will see if I can get him to work with me next winter though, once the cricket season starts I'll probably be spending most of my time just playing cricket.
Nothing like Olympic Lifts to work the core and nothing better for general strength! However, the beginning of the season is not the time to start any strength work :D.