How to tell if a new bat is over-oiled?


New Member
How to tell if a new bat is over-oiled?

I bought a new bat today, a Kookaburra Fiery Beast, and I'm very pleased with my purchase. Might upload some pictures later.

I know that it is necessary to oil a bat, but not to over oil it...and despite all the searching I've done, I cant find any information on how to tell if a bat has been over oiled?

I'm very nervous about oiling the bat, as I dont wanna muck it up, and I know how much oil to use, but I want to be aware of what to look out for.

So, how do you tell if a new bat has been over oiled?
Re: How to tell if a new bat is over-oiled?

post up some pics mate and we can tell if its over-oiled.

if you're worried just give it 1 or 2 layers of oil but dont overdo it.
if its really light in colour it usually means it needs a decent amount of oiling.

but most bats you buy only need a few layers of oil.
Re: How to tell if a new bat is over-oiled?

Thanks for the answer lethal, much appreciated. I've given it 1 layer of oil this afternoon, I'll leave the 2nd layer till tommorw morning. I'll upload some pics after that has dried to get an opinoin.
Re: How to tell if a new bat is over-oiled?

I've heard that to over oil a bat you need to almost drown the thing, but you know 3 coats should do it, just enough to get the willow a nice colour, then after every season give it a light sand and re oil and your set...
Re: How to tell if a new bat is over-oiled?

A couple of coats should be fine. An over oiled bat tends to look very dark and stinks of linseed.
Re: How to tell if a new bat is over-oiled?

Thanks for all the answers.

I was asking more out of curiosity, but its helpful to know what to look out for.

I've given the face of the bat 3 light coats and gave the edge's 2 coats.

Must say I am pleased with the performance of the bat, wasn't able to get any solid shots out of the sweet spot (only glances), but thats entirely my fault.