How Was Your Day Topic


Active Member
How Was Your Day Topic

Just basically, how was your day and what did you do?

I had Science first up, experiments with soft drink cans, we stole one of them and drank it later in english, turned out to be 10 months out of used by date so :laugh:
Then geog, I hate the bloody teacher but it was alright. Then I couldn't wait for footy at recess, but 2 of my mates were just trying to kick it in the bin for the first 15 minutes so we didn't get to actually get into it much. Then double english with a substitute teacher who did nothing because he's a PE teacher and they never do work. So yeh, just talking, playing dead arm (if you know what that is?) and other games like that. Then at lunch footy was great, good battle with some of mates who play footy, some good spoils and out-sprinting the footy blokes. Although us blokes who can kick got a bit angry with the guys who can't kick, it was so annoying. Then we had double PE, Javelin, High Jump and Sprinting. Let me say, Javelin is the hardest and the most stupid sport ever. I mean, you have to start with your arm fully straight then bend then straighten again, I have no idea how they get any power, I mean, there's some strong guys in my grade but no one could get it any far. High Jump was alright, I couldn't do it very well, but it doesn't bother me really, I think I went to low and far rather than high and basically straight up because I jumped over the bar just and then jumped way over the mats, so that was probably my problem haha. And then sprinting was great, I was one of the fastest in the grade from the crouching start thing, which was great.

And Australia is owning in the Rugby, wooooooooot.

How was your day?
Re: How Was Your Day Topic

so far so good.

got text from my boss at 7.30 in the morning saying he would not be in and could i drop something to his house. So of i wandered to his house as he was looking after his 2 year old and 8 month old baby.

ended up staying for an hour or so playing his 2 year old hugo on the nintendo Wii @ tennis!

Got back to the office. Found out my other director was not in today, so we ordered Pizza between the 5 of us who were in. £5 for a large pizza on collection.

currently sitting here regretting it ! and definately not having big dinner!

but Cricket tomorrow! and sunday!
Re: How Was Your Day Topic

My day has just started, and its been terrible so far.
I just woke up an hour ago after having slept for 12 hours! My whole body is in pain as I had to take the stairs to move up and down a 10-story building, not once but thrice. The bloody elevator wasn't working. :cursing:
Re: How Was Your Day Topic

Jonesy said:
And Australia is owning in the Rugby, wooooooooot.
Well pretty much every other country but Australia sucks at Rugby League, so I would hope that we are owning

My day, well got up at 6.30 for my 7.12 train. I was knackered like any other Friday, or day for that matter. First period we got a talk about our up coming exams (3 weeks :eek:). Then Human Bio which was boring. Recess I just sat and chatted. English we started on poetry, which was hard. Physics, got out of doing my speech, saved by the bell you could say. Lunch was soccer against the year 9's. My god they take it just a bit to serious, I mean I just try and have a laugh with my mates but they take competitiveness to a whole new level. Artsmedia was as terrible as last periods come. Lucky it was one of my 3 short days (ah free periods, bless 'em) so I could at least enjoy that. Naturally it was uneventful but fortunately not terrible (that day will come mind you).
Re: How Was Your Day Topic

My day was great today. I decided to skip college today and instead played cricket with my friends. I scored 98 in 62 balls in a friendly match with my friends. It was a very small ground. :p Couldnt finish the match because someone broke a window with a six and we decided to run away. Then saw the great match between Delhi and Kolkata in the evening. I have to sleep now if have to get up for college tomorrow lol.
Re: How Was Your Day Topic

Went to the city yesterday for school, we went to this games exhibition, it was great, had heaps of awesome games. Went to hungry jack's for lunch, and when I was going up the stairs, I tripped over, and kept tripping. I spilled my drink on some loser greek guys that thought they were top stuff, and they're like "you're fooked" (but in the proper way) and I just laughed and walked away and they did nothing, haha such losers, shoulda spilled everything over them. Anyway that was the talking point of most of the day yesterday with my mates.

Today we had the last NAPLAN (AIM) tests, which are dumb and pointless, don't go towards your report and all year 3,7 and 9's have to do them, argh. We got to use a calculator so it was super easy.

We played footy once again, and the serious footy players joined in again, copped a knee to the head but didn't hurt much, and I decked my mate who's really strong for like the billionth time :D
Re: How Was Your Day Topic

Went to MSAC (Melbourne Sports and Aquatics Centre) today with school. Went in the wave pool, big water slide and inflatable tube thingo which you had to get across (I struggled so bad on that :p)

Re: How Was Your Day Topic

Been sick all week, only went to school on Wednesday because it's only 2 periods of school and the rest you go and do this thing, hard to explain but I got to go to a mates place because we're building a dog kennel, which we had finished so we just sat back and watched the cricket.

And his dog bit through its leech! Twice!
Re: How Was Your Day Topic

Woke up at 6 30; off to work... where I've done the sneaky and completed one and a half uni essays that are due in... ooh, about two hours (better get moving on that second one), and done a total of 5 minutes of productive work.

can't wait to finish up, hand in these assignments, go to gym and kick back with a mate tonight.
Re: How Was Your Day Topic

well its Friday! Both directors are off and we plan to do very little work! Get in!
Re: How Was Your Day Topic

Stumped;29824 said:
well its Friday! Both directors are off and we plan to do very little work! Get in!

I hear they're both big fans of this site - I hope they don't know it's you :D