Intercostal Muscle pain


New Member
Intercostal Muscle pain

Now let me just clarify, I have no trouble breathing, or any pain associated with breathing :p

Back on topic, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is anyway to stretch your intercostal muscles (the ones in between the ribs). Its just that after a hard net session with my mates I always wake up the next morning with those muscles absolutely killing me. Is there any techniques anyone has to prevent this, all are welcome. Thanks
Re: Intercostal Muscle pain

Is the pain dull or sharp?

Where is it felt... all over? front? sides? etc

Have you always suffered from this problem?
Re: Intercostal Muscle pain

Its just a pain when I move, all in between the ribs. I just get it when have a solid bowling session. I think its like lactic acid build up so I was wondering about prevention, because it hurts like buggery
Re: Intercostal Muscle pain

I really need more information James; we are talking a whole bag of beans here.

Is the pain sharp or dull?
Does this coincide with back pain?
Have you always had this problem or is it a recent appearance?
Have you had a recent injury? Inflammation can apply pressure to the intercostal nerves in the chest wall, resulting in pain.

You could try intercostal friction with your finger tips next time you have the pain and let me know if it helped:

Place all your fingers between the ribs.
Apply moderate pressure as you move from side to side, starting from the middle chest out to and around the 'edges' of the lateral ribs.

This will warm the area and begin to 'loosen' the fascia/collagen.

Because I cannot see you, I would really recommend a visit to the GP and/or someone who specialises in fascial work. I would like to rule out Intercostal neuralgia, which occurs due to compression of the nerves in the thorax-abdomen region or the ribcage area. This can be brought about by an abdominal muscle tissue rupture, a scar or suture around the nerve, excessive use of abdominal muscles, musculoskeletal conditions eg a short leg or an abnormal curve in the vertebral column.

It could be caused by a pinched nerve, much like sciatica. If this is the case, it is easily sorted!
Re: Intercostal Muscle pain


Sharp, but only hurts to touch
No back pain (luckely)
I'd have to say that I've had it for a while, but like a said it only hurts after exercise, at the same time as the other muscles start to hurt (DOMS I think it's called)
And I haven't had an injury for about 6 months

Its in between every rib, so I think its unlikely that I've pulled a muscle. I think I should have called this topic 'Stretches for the intercostal muscles'. It feels exactly like DOMS
Re: Intercostal Muscle pain

It is unlikely to be DOMS.
Pulled muscle is not something I would think of.

If you want to stretch these muscles, you need to breath heavily and hold. However, I do not think this will help.

Seriously James, I urge you to eliminate intercostal neuralgia. There is little I can do until you do, sorry :(

Once this is out of the options, we can work on other things. Going ahead without doing so would be negligent on my part.
Re: Intercostal Muscle pain

Ok, I'll try and get it sorted, but it will probably be gone in like 2-3 days. But I will go and get it checked out, better safe than sorry! :D
Re: Intercostal Muscle pain

If this was a one off, I would not be so concerned but as it occurs after all these net sessions, I think it is better to be safe than sorry. Unfortunately, Intercostal neuralgia is not easy to diagnose and is ofter misdiagnosed. You have to specifically ask for them to rule it out.
Re: Intercostal Muscle pain

Alrite, I better remember that...Intercostal neuralgia. man thats a big word. Thanks Liz