Last person to post on this thread wins 8

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Re: Last person to post on this thread wins 8

Boris;398267 said:
Very strange for me to say this, but I haven't actually seen any of his work. Doesn't happen that much to me that, having to say I haven't seen a comedian :D

If you can "get a hold of it" (by whatever means you use :p ) i suggest getting the following two programmes : Bill Bailey - Tinselworm and Bill Baileys Guide to the Orchestra (a more musical one)
Re: Last person to post on this thread wins 8

brickwaller99;398462 said:
Has anyone heard ISIHAC?
Is it good?
Should I bother finding it?

I have.
Go for some of the stuff with humphry lyttleton but the later stuff of him. (say post 2000) (R.I.P)
Re: Last person to post on this thread wins 8

brickwaller99;398476 said:
Thankyou very much
Just wondering why was it never made into tv?

Actually the last episode sir humph did was recorded on TV.
Re: Last person to post on this thread wins 8

SteveyD;398477 said:
Actually the last episode sir humph did was recorded on TV.

It was still a recording of the taping of the radio show though, it was pretty much just putting a camera into a radio studio.

Would have loved to see it (still would) be transformed into something along the lines of WLIIA when it first started out.

Right now the world seems starved of improv comedy. The world leaders of it at the moment are Thank God Your Here, soon to be released in America and then the UK later, the latest I've heard. And that's Australian! Fancy that, an Australian comedy making it big time! Makes me laugh because the last one to do that was that stupid show about two bogan women (can't remember it's name it was that terrible) and somehow it got good ratings.

They looked into bringing Whose Line back, but I don't think it's going ahead.

It's a good little niche now to get into, I think ISIHAC could make some money if they managed to get it working.
Re: Last person to post on this thread wins 8

They have a lot of experience and i shall find some of their stuff somewhere. Now just need to find British whose line.
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