Need tips ASAP

Need tips ASAP

hi everyone

i play under 16's cricket, and im quite a tall bowler, around 6 ft 2
i thought most tall bowlers have front on actions to get bounce, but when i try bowling front on, the ball doesnt move off the seam or swing at all, and it is really quite slow.
my bowling coach tells me to bowl side on, however when i do, i seem to stray down the leg side.

anyone have any tips for me to what i should be bowling and how to get rid of these bowling jittors?
Re: Need tips ASAP


The best thing you can do is try to get a video of your action, that way people can have a look and give you some advice based on they see.

In terms of action, what feels best to you?
Re: Need tips ASAP

Ill try and get a video within the next few days

I'd would have to say front on, however, my bowling coach tells me to persist with a side on action.
When i bowl front on, the ball never moves, and it goes quite slow, the only positive is the line and length.
Re: Need tips ASAP

Pace can be worked on, the main thing is to get an action that works for and minimises the risk of injury.

Swing and seam is largely down to the wrist position rather than action. Try to get the wrist behind the ball when your bowling, see if that helps the movment.
Re: Need tips ASAP

A video is best, but until then the main question is this:

Which one feels the right one?
Re: Need tips ASAP

Hi guys
Sorry for the late reply
I was able to video myself bowling in the nets at cricket training, but the dam video camera wouldn't feed the video into my computer, however i could get a photo off my phone (apologies for the poor quality).

New problem. I've developed a lean in my bowling, where my arm seems to follow my head in the bowling action as seen in the (poor) photo. It is putting increased pressure on my left side/hip region, and after bowling, i feel very sore and am unable to bowl for long periods of time. I know i can extract a lot of bounce off the pitch because of my height, and it used to be my main weapon with bowling, but since developing this problem, the bounce has gone.

Please give as much help as possible through this photo
Re: Need tips ASAP

Ok mate, how many seasons have you been playing for, plus with your action its what you feel is comfortable, and if that photo is your normal action, then there are a few problems.
As you said you are leaning to much which is why the ball is going down leg side, try to keep your upper body straight with your arm and follow through this is crucial to stop injuries and develop pace.
Re: Need tips ASAP

alrite, well just like i said earlier just develop your follow through and try and keep your upper body in line with your arm and the ball.
Re: Need tips ASAP

Try again with a video. It is obvious that there is too much lateral flexion and rotation but without seeing the full action, it is impossible to see the cause... need to treat the cause not the symptoms :)
Re: Need tips ASAP

yeah your leaning heaps to the left try bring your body in straighter, and your follow through needs some work it looks like your loosing balance so try work on keeping your balance , but this should fix itself up if you bring your body in straighter with your action.
Re: Need tips ASAP

Thenextbigbird123;379200 said:
YouTube - Bowling Action

Theres the video
Again, apologies for the quality, it was recorded off my phone, but any help possible would be appreciated.

I wonder if you would humour me Thenextbigbird123.

Find somebody with a steady hand;
Somebody <brave> who will stand <still> outside;
Re-take a video with a side on action. Ideally I would also like to see a video from the side; just as you deliver.

I see where your coach is coming from. Your body is telling me it wants to bowl side on but your brain is telling it not to be so silly. The brain is not [always] right :D.

I need you to concentrate on making use of that height of yours; at the moment, you're bowling at 5'4". You could start by keeping your head straight; at the moment your head is taking your body with it to the left.

As bboy0001 says, your follow through leaves a lot to be desired but we can discuss that later when we have seen your next video.
Re: Need tips ASAP

front arm up higher

that was the problem i had when i was bowling down the leg side, if you straighten up as you said you were and are bowling down leg, concentrate on getting your left arm up high and pulling down hard with it

easy tip but i have bowled about 2 balls down leg for the year
Re: Need tips ASAP

I thought about your predicament. I typed up a long-winded analysis. Took me an hour. I then thought... be pithy... and here is what I've come up with.

Live by universal laws.

- Things are harder to shoot when you are flapping your arms like a chicken"

Doesn't sound very poetic -- but makes sense. Now you don't flap your arms like a chicken but you do flap your shoulders. Flap? You come into bowl with square shoulders, then you lift your left shoulder with your leading arm, and then you bowl with your right shoulder hence lifting that shoulder too.

--> Answer: Make it simpler. Begin your run up with your left shoulder higher than your right shoulder. Remember that when you aim at something, you want to keep as still as possible until you hit the trigger. This will help you create less movement in your upper body as you bowl.

- Be a conservative. Nothing that happens all at once is thought out correctly.

No good bowler should feel like he's moving everything simultaneously. He should feel like he's moving every muscle group he needs as if in a chain reaction.

Why do I say that? The angle of your arm at release -- not good. The angle of your hips and waist -- perfect... well lets just say normal for a fast bowler. Our arms and legs move harmoniously, and our shoulders and hips do so too. An unnatural action such as yours is not natural, and learnt, or you are just an unnatural person.

--> Answer: Bowlers are touchy feely creatures. Well... let's just say we like to feel how we bowl, rather than think. I think you need a drastic re-"feel" to get that arm back to an acceptable angle.

i) Bowl like Thompson: Embrace the feel. As your arm is at such an angle - perhaps try to get that arm angle even earlier. Jeff Thompson bowled like a baseball pitcher -- he started from behind is back and then over the top giving the illusion of a Mitchell Johnson slinger. The feeling in your hips to actually achieve this bowling motion is EXCEPTIONALLY hard. But if you can do it... wow... imagine the possibilities.

ii) Think like a chain of causality: Relearn the feel. Your bowling should go from your legs, into your waist, then your chest and trunk, and then into the shoulders, and then into your wrist (your elbow can rotate... I think....). I believe you just run in and bowl with your arm. You have pretty good rhythm -- so I might be wrong... but as you relearn this feel.... think of aligning your shoulders with your waist... more. If you perfectly align you'll be Malinga -- then slowly move your arm up and then you'll get McGrath, Pollock, and... hopefully for your sake... Garner.

That wasn't very pithy was it??