Please Help Me!


This is a two way post, 2 questions:

1. How can I stop bowling short balls/drag downs? And why do I bowl them? I bowl them to frequently.

2. How to bowl more genuine leg spinners? I think C Cleanprophet has the same problem as me in that we both bowl leg spinners with more top spin then side spin?

Desperate to sort this out, gonna have a net tomorrow so I can try your suggestions.

Please look at this also:

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I piece of advice I could give you is don't try to add spin when your about to release the ball, basically don't drag the ball, that's the only time I bowl short balls
Yes, trying too hard will often result in drag downs. I don't usually worry if a young wrist spinner bowls a drag down. It means their action is not too bad. Just that they are flicking their wrist open a fraction too late and their spinning finger is getting stuck behind the ball, resulting in the drag down. A subtle change (usually, just relaxing a bit more and, as shahipak says, don't try too hard) will fix things.