Season 2 Squads

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Re: Season 2 Squads

I will be re-doing the squads tonight after work to reflect the changes that have gone through over the past couple of weeks. Hopefully that will sort everything out and make them easier to view.
Re: Season 2 Squads

But seriously, we can't have it that a player can just jump ship mid season and join another team.
It would encourage poaching and potentially wreck a side.
Normally a captain has to delist a player and agree to a transfer.
Re: Season 2 Squads

If he wants to go he can. It's his loss but it also means anybody can go where they like this season without question.
Re: Season 2 Squads

This thread is now closed as it is no longer relevent. Please see the new season two squads thread which has been stickied that top of the board.
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