Setting Goals


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Setting Goals

I really want to improve now that my injuries have calmed down and I read somewhere that setting goals would be the best way to do this, but I just wanted to ask what type of goals I should be setting myself.
I want to be able to bowl 75mph by the end of the season with ease, but this is a hard thing to measure without a speed gun, I also want improve my skills in all areas, what are good goals I should set that I can reach and then set further goals, so far I only know what I want to achieve but no plans on how I’m going to go about getting there, any good tips or help would be really appreciated.
Re: Setting Goals

Anything really. You may want to add in swing/cutters /slower balls etc to your bowling repertoire. Maybe you want to learn how to play a new shot whilst batting.

The goal needs to be something specific to you and one that is obtainable, albeit with a little bit of hard work thrown in.
Re: Setting Goals

i find setting specific goals is more effective than broad ones.

So, setting a goal of wanting to bowl 75 mph is good, but the only issue is tracking your progress. If you are trying to improve your fitness, try to make it something that is easily measured that you can work towards (ie. run a mile in under 8 minutes, be able to do a certain number of pushups, pull ups, or whatever). This forces you to work hard towards your goal and you can track progress easily.

My personal goals (for cricket) are:
-Bowling action: straighten my run up, learn to get my non bowling arm across my body, have a longer, straighter follow through, etc.
-Batting: improve my front foot drives, develop the leg glance.
-Fitness: be able to do 5 pull ups by end of August, be able to run 2 miles in 15 min or less. Learn proper technique for squats, deadlifts.

Something like learning technique or fixing my action is not easily measurable, but by using a video camera I can track my progress, so it should be okay!
Re: Setting Goals

yeah thanks I’ve set a few goals, and i started trying them today, took a 2 and a half mile run up to my cricket club, bowled at a pair of stumps for 3 hours trying slower balls and quicker balls etc, then i ran back (walked) my legs hurt badly lol, and i plan to repeat this everyday till the Hampshire trials.
Re: Setting Goals

Ah... Goals... tricky little critters!

Whatever your goals, make sure they are SMART:

Specific: How is the goal going to help with what you actually want?
Measureable: How will you know if you are improving; reaching the goal?
Agreeable: Make sure it is YOUR goal and not somebody else's!
Realistic: Although not easy, are you sure you can reach the goal?
Time Phased: When do you expect to complete the goal?

I suggest you make the goals SMARTER:

Exciting and set yourself Rewards; half way and on completion.