shoe goo


New Member
shoe goo

i have started to use the shoe goo on my bat but when i apply it myself i struggle to make it smooth across the toe of the bat (has all bumps nd ridges through it)

any suggestions on how i can make it nice nd smooth
Re: shoe goo

I truely dont think it matters, to be frank. I do the same (use shoe goo) and it starts out lumpy, but eventually it will get smooth. I use a pen or something similar to smooth it out. But as i said, as long as you dont mind the look, having bumpy shoe goo wont make a difference
Re: shoe goo

You can't do much about the uneven surface, it'll wear done with use though.

If you want an even finish you can use waterproof PVC glue, does the trick and dries even.
Re: shoe goo

any 1/2 decent sports store might sell it...

specific cricket stores (kingsgrove) sell it 4 sure...

ive never struggled gettin it smooth :D dunno wat i do 2 do it but
Re: shoe goo

Just any sport shop. Its designed to repair sport shoes, so it stands to reason that it would be in a sport shop