Short Delivery Timing


New Member
Short Delivery Timing

Hey guys,
My friend has a question that he is having a problem while playing
any short pitch or shortish good length delivery, like he watches the ball
and sees it but when he connects it, it is usually an inside edge. He plays front foot very well.
Any helpful tips which can improve will be highly appreciated. NOTE: His batting stance sort of more like leaning forward

Re: Short Delivery Timing

Leave them if you don't have to play at them. Ultimately you would want to punish short balls.

Pull Shots: Step back and across, get above the ball and roll your wrists over the top of the ball.

Hook shot: Get inside the line of the ball, try and hook it down although that is not always possible.

Cut Shot: Step back and across, throw your weight at the ball, and hit down on top of the ball.

Hope that helps, someone else will be able to give you more help.
Re: Short Delivery Timing

Hey mate, it was me who is having this problem,
i would surely try and work on the tips you gave, and I will surely try that tennis ball trick, perfect for me right now. thanks and i really appreciate your reply.
Re: Short Delivery Timing

Definitely make sure. When hooking, step inside the line so when you hook, if you miss the ball goes over or connects with your shoulder.