Shoulder still screwed?


New Member
Shoulder still screwed?

my shoulder still is weak, when i exercise it it can hurt, it dosent hurt when i throw anymore but when i stretch it it gives a weird sensation, ive rested it for a month and its stronger than ever, my mums gonna book another physio appointment but until then any ideas on what i might have done? had this for like 6 months now....
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

Hi storm, this must be really anoying for you...

Where [exactly] does it hurt?
During which exercises?
Explain "weird sensation".
Which stretch?
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

it hurts, just behind the shoulder inside, so the rotator cuff.
when i hold my elbow to my side and move my arm it is like feels a jolt feeling, it sort of clicks. to me it feels like the muscel has just shifted or something and then i get the sharp pain.
the sensations a discomfort and makes it feel really weak.
My shoulders much stronger than my left but theres still something wrong.

also ive just noticed when i raise my arm above my head theres no pain but agian i getting this mucel clicking feel, i dont mind this but the feeling i get when i move mr rotator cuff feels horrbile, and i usually happens with most rotar cuff stretches.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

It is really frustrating not being able to see and feel your shoulder storm.

There are many things this can be and I could probably sort it out very quickly if you were nearer, however, if it is a tear, you really, really must get it sorted soon if you wish to continue with cricket. The more you continue with damage the further away you are getting from rehabiliation and 'real' recovery.

Go and see a sports [remedial] therapist. We are very different from physiotherapists and will sort you out staight away, without surgery if you go and see them soon. ;)

Keep me informed.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

Good news storm; the best course of action :) and you really do need both.

Let me know what the findings are.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

X-ray tuesday :), mum bought my a crazy catch for my birthday, gonna have some fun practising my reflexes and feidling.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

X-ray tuesday :), mum bought my a crazy catch for my birthday, gonna have some fun practising my catching and reflexes.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

I love the crazy catch; its huge fun. Did your Mum buy it from Flicx? If you get it right, it is also good for training explosive movements and power.

If you're writing your Christmas list right now, some time with Ponty would be a great investment for when your shoulder is recovered. It could be the turning point and you would never look back :D
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

did physio therapy,didnt work much, gave me my strength back, but theres still something wrong.

and liz my mum did buy it from flix its great fun, ill also be sure to look at the mavericks site to see whats on offer, whish i cud just skip college and train....ahh well, hopefully my shoulder will be fixed soon, going to the gym now will update as soon as my x ray results come in.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

Don't forget the scan too storm. The x-ray will tell you if something is wrong with the skeletal structure but will not look for ligament and tendon damage. If you are suffering from a tear, the x-ray will be clear, which is why you need the scan.

However, I shall keep my fingers crossed that you get the all clear from both ;)
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

yh hopefully im clear, but if i am then what? this stupid shoulders really annoying, my cricket dreams are pretty much out the window atm, ive got the determination but no chance of making county so that i can play cricket, i hate not being able to train every day, my freind who plays for the hants academy gets to play nearly everyday for 4 hours plus ,he so lucky.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

There is still time storm... plenty of time.

If your shoulder is clear, scan as well as x-ray, there is a lot we can do. Just can't do anything until we are sure.

Make the most of rest time, get your mind, nutrition and fitness in order and when you get the all clear, we can hit the ground running :D
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

Had my X-ray today, didnt get any info yet, apparently in a week or so theyll tell me if anythings wrong, if not then ill be gettin an MRI
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

Good, but what a long time to wait :(

Hopefully everything is well with the x-ray; the scan may be more informative.

Keep us updated when you get the results.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

Stupid doctors havent contacted me, so ill have to contact them soon, good news the crazy catch saved my ass today, indoor cricket and our 1st team fastest bowler beamed one down and this bat pulled it straight at me, if my reactions where as slow as last year id prob be dead, got a finger onto it aswell.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

checking results of xray on tuesday, also i have little stretch marks on my right and left shoulder? why? i dont mind em just weird.
Re: Shoulder still screwed?

The stretch marks are a little strange. Can you describe them a little more to me storm.. colour, position etc?

Remember, if the x-ray is clear and there is no skeletal issue, make sure you ask for a scan. Let them know you consider a possible rotator cuff tear.