subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

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Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

mondo21 - you are definitely living in the clouds - don't fall off that pedastool and choke yourself. Who do you think you are kidding? Are you talking about Ormond's junior sides?????

Anchorman - open you mouth at your own peril re Beshara holding the side together. A few experienced old heads in that side may let you rue your comments. I can tell you from experience - have been on the receiving end of an Oaten demolition, Meyer got runs last week and that short bloke up the top with the mouth is well overdue! he's smashed us before in my time!
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Sorry for the delay in responding – I needed to seek urgent therapy after the barrage you boys subjected me to… Seriously, if that’s the best you can come up with I can see why you reckon sledging is harmless. About 0.0001 on the witty scale. I’ve heard better from a nun.

For you blokes who reckon sledging is tough and that everyone else should just harden up, I find it amusing that you can’t take any mild sledging yourselves – even on an internet forum. Some advice – take a deep breath and remove those Rafa-like wedgies from your rear ends to release some of that pressure around those brains of yours.

No I wasn’t saying Beshara was hiding behind his teammates. If you read my post with even a hint of clarity you’d realise I was actually condemning the practise of sledging as a whole. It’s got me stuffed how you blokes can still condone sledging and poor behaviour. Tell me what’s so manly and dignified about it? ‘Opinionated’ – if you reckon a team can only be successful if it sledges, I fear for any young players you try to influence. I reckon we should all enjoy life, and cricket, without all the BS and bluster. If you don’t you’ve got problems – and not only in cricket.

And ‘opinionated’, you’re contradicting yourself so much I’ve forgotten what point you’re actually trying to make. On one hand you say sledging has always been part of the game (which is BS, just ask the old codgers) and that the spirit of cricket means nothing, but on the other hand you say we need more umps like Benny to get rid of the sledgers. WTF? Mate you’re so confused I’d be surprised if you know which end of the bat to hold. And I don’t reckon I need to eat humble pie – maybe you should stop eating crap-cakes and breathing it all over us in this forum.

As for Mondo Rock, even though you’re an 'insider', you only play in the lower elevens so what the hell would you know about Beshara’s on-field conduct?

Someone once said that if you keep arguing with fools pretty soon people won’t be able to tell the difference. So I reckon I should retire from this debate and just let you sledging warriors keep chirping from underneath your skirts.

Peace to you all in life, love and cricket.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Sorry for the delay in responding – I needed to seek urgent therapy after the barrage you boys subjected me to… Seriously, if that’s the best you can come up with I can see why you reckon sledging is harmless. About 0.0001 on the witty scale. I’ve heard better from a nun.

For you blokes who reckon sledging is tough and that everyone else should just harden up, I find it amusing that you can’t take any mild sledging yourselves – even on an internet forum. Some advice – take a deep breath and remove those Rafa-like wedgies from your rear ends to release some of that pressure around those brains of yours.

No I wasn’t saying Beshara was hiding behind his teammates. If you read my post with even a hint of clarity you’d realise I was actually condemning the practise of sledging as a whole. It’s got me stuffed how you blokes can still condone sledging and poor behaviour. Tell me what’s so manly and dignified about it? ‘Opinionated’ – if you reckon a team can only be successful if it sledges, I fear for any young players you try to influence. I reckon we should all enjoy life, and cricket, without all the BS and bluster. If you don’t you’ve got problems – and not only in cricket.

And ‘opinionated’, you’re contradicting yourself so much I’ve forgotten what point you’re actually trying to make. On one hand you say sledging has always been part of the game (which is BS, just ask the old codgers) and that the spirit of cricket means nothing, but on the other hand you say we need more umps like Benny to get rid of the sledgers. WTF? Mate you’re so confused I’d be surprised if you know which end of the bat to hold. And I don’t reckon I need to eat humble pie – maybe you should stop eating crap-cakes and breathing it all over us in this forum.

As for Mondo Rock, even though you’re an 'insider', you only play in the lower elevens so what the hell would you know about Beshara’s on-field conduct?

Someone once said that if you keep arguing with fools pretty soon people won’t be able to tell the difference. So I reckon I should retire from this debate and just let you sledging warriors keep chirping from underneath your skirts.

Peace to you all in life, love and cricket.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

ahhh FG - you've obviously been at the same Michael Phelps bong party for the past couple of days!

Maybe you should re-read some of the comments from the lads because nobody champ has said sledging is tough - it's part of the game you know and love and play. Used non-personally it can be very funny, but not to extent of bullying that young willi lad was talking about. Umpires like Benny still let it happen - but I can guarantee you the likes of Norton, Walker and Herman were all pulled up once it got personal! Doesn't happen all the time and the umps do need to get tougher on this.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

ahhh FG - you've obviously been at the same Michael Phelps bong party for the past couple of days!

Maybe you should re-read some of the comments from the lads because nobody champ has said sledging is tough - it's part of the game you know and love and play. Used non-personally it can be very funny, but not to extent of bullying that young willi lad was talking about. Umpires like Benny still let it happen - but I can guarantee you the likes of Norton, Walker and Herman were all pulled up once it got personal! Doesn't happen all the time and the umps do need to get tougher on this.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

you have to be kidding if u think Beshara doesn't hold the side together. I'm sure Oaten an co were good once but past it now too old. Remember we r talkin bout now not what they once were. All good blokes but
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

you have to be kidding if u think Beshara doesn't hold the side together. I'm sure Oaten an co were good once but past it now too old. Remember we r talkin bout now not what they once were. All good blokes but
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

opinionated – I'll stop puffing the peace pipe if you get off the angry sledging pills!

And if you re-read my comments that you should have re-read before, you'll see that you actually agree with me on a few things. Ooops!
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

opinionated – I'll stop puffing the peace pipe if you get off the angry sledging pills!

And if you re-read my comments that you should have re-read before, you'll see that you actually agree with me on a few things. Ooops!
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

how good a clubman is Mondo21
isn't Oaten a 200 gamer? Probably eaten more bowling attackes than you've had wet nappies!
Remember pup - you're only as good as you're last knock
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

how good a clubman is Mondo21
isn't Oaten a 200 gamer? Probably eaten more bowling attackes than you've had wet nappies!
Remember pup - you're only as good as you're last knock
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

hussler;320738 said:
Does Weapons know he's gotta pay for the internet????????

Lol mate i dunno if he does.
I asked him if it was close to being up and running tonight and he said nope not yet.
So it might be another week without the great weapons on the subbies forum.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

hussler;320738 said:
Does Weapons know he's gotta pay for the internet????????

Lol mate i dunno if he does.
I asked him if it was close to being up and running tonight and he said nope not yet.
So it might be another week without the great weapons on the subbies forum.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Mondo21 - Oaten is a 200 game 1st XI player and should be shown the respect that he deserves. He and a few others may be 'past their prime' but that does not mean that they are no longer the glue that sticks a team together.

As for Beshara, he is a very good player. He has obvious upset a few people on here with his mouth on the cricket field. It only shows to me that he got inside your heads, probably got you out too. If you are affected by sledging and get upset you are a very weak minded person and I would imagine that Beshara is very strong willed and strong minded person.

Even though we beat Ormond but I was impressed by how much they have improved since last season. Not to say they are a good side yet, they are obviously blooding the kids and heading in the right direction. With one of the best bowling attacks around, Beshara, the young left armer and the big dark fellow all bowled against us with great pace and accuracy. They seem to be missing one bowler and a few good batsman, but even with the batting they look to have a few decent players coming through in Meyer, Beshara, the young left hander, and the very young opening batsman even though he failed against us I have heard good things and he just looks like a pure batsman.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Mondo21 - Oaten is a 200 game 1st XI player and should be shown the respect that he deserves. He and a few others may be 'past their prime' but that does not mean that they are no longer the glue that sticks a team together.

As for Beshara, he is a very good player. He has obvious upset a few people on here with his mouth on the cricket field. It only shows to me that he got inside your heads, probably got you out too. If you are affected by sledging and get upset you are a very weak minded person and I would imagine that Beshara is very strong willed and strong minded person.

Even though we beat Ormond but I was impressed by how much they have improved since last season. Not to say they are a good side yet, they are obviously blooding the kids and heading in the right direction. With one of the best bowling attacks around, Beshara, the young left armer and the big dark fellow all bowled against us with great pace and accuracy. They seem to be missing one bowler and a few good batsman, but even with the batting they look to have a few decent players coming through in Meyer, Beshara, the young left hander, and the very young opening batsman even though he failed against us I have heard good things and he just looks like a pure batsman.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

concrete;321044 said:
get over beshara! time to move on you reckon?

Correct, time to move on.
How are everybody's grounds holding up?
Our outfield near the fence is getting a bit rough and dry(which is to be expected) and we need some rain.
It wasn't in the same category as Bundoora's was on the weekend, that was just dangerous.
And one other thing i want to address is, is anyone at all training on turf wickets?
I'd imagine Box Hill would be with there outstanding net set up but i wouldn't think there would be a lot of others.
Williamstown has been unable to train on turf were the best part of 3 years now which isn't great but what can you do?
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

concrete;321044 said:
get over beshara! time to move on you reckon?

Correct, time to move on.
How are everybody's grounds holding up?
Our outfield near the fence is getting a bit rough and dry(which is to be expected) and we need some rain.
It wasn't in the same category as Bundoora's was on the weekend, that was just dangerous.
And one other thing i want to address is, is anyone at all training on turf wickets?
I'd imagine Box Hill would be with there outstanding net set up but i wouldn't think there would be a lot of others.
Williamstown has been unable to train on turf were the best part of 3 years now which isn't great but what can you do?
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

bucket head;321127 said:
Are you trying to stir the pot Bentley???

Nah. Just that one of the blokes from my club was saying that he was talking to Beshara who told him that he was looking around for another club.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

bucket head;321127 said:
Are you trying to stir the pot Bentley???

Nah. Just that one of the blokes from my club was saying that he was talking to Beshara who told him that he was looking around for another club.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Bentley1930;321135 said:
Nah. Just that one of the blokes from my club was saying that he was talking to Beshara who told him that he was looking around for another club.

Beshara bleeds gold and blue,will never leave!
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Bentley1930;321135 said:
Nah. Just that one of the blokes from my club was saying that he was talking to Beshara who told him that he was looking around for another club.

Beshara bleeds gold and blue,will never leave!
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

bucket head;321149 said:
Beshara bleeds gold and blue,will never leave!

Hmm - not so sure about that. Think it had something to do with the committee and that there was a possibility that they would offer him the coaching position but get someone else to captain the side.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

bucket head;321149 said:
Beshara bleeds gold and blue,will never leave!

Hmm - not so sure about that. Think it had something to do with the committee and that there was a possibility that they would offer him the coaching position but get someone else to captain the side.
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Even though we beat Ormond but I was impressed by how much they have improved since last season. Not to say they are a good side yet, they are obviously blooding the kids and heading in the right direction. With one of the best bowling attacks around, Beshara, the young left armer and the big dark fellow all bowled against us with great pace and accuracy. They seem to be missing one bowler and a few good batsman, but even with the batting they look to have a few decent players coming through in Meyer, Beshara, the young left hander, and the very young opening batsman even though he failed against us I have heard good things and he just looks like a pure batsman.

Hi Steve Viccars
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Even though we beat Ormond but I was impressed by how much they have improved since last season. Not to say they are a good side yet, they are obviously blooding the kids and heading in the right direction. With one of the best bowling attacks around, Beshara, the young left armer and the big dark fellow all bowled against us with great pace and accuracy. They seem to be missing one bowler and a few good batsman, but even with the batting they look to have a few decent players coming through in Meyer, Beshara, the young left hander, and the very young opening batsman even though he failed against us I have heard good things and he just looks like a pure batsman.

Hi Steve Viccars
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Young Willi Lad;321064 said:
Correct, time to move on.
How are everybody's grounds holding up?
Our outfield near the fence is getting a bit rough and dry(which is to be expected) and we need some rain.
It wasn't in the same category as Bundoora's was on the weekend, that was just dangerous.
And one other thing i want to address is, is anyone at all training on turf wickets?
I'd imagine Box Hill would be with there outstanding net set up but i wouldn't think there would be a lot of others.
Williamstown has been unable to train on turf were the best part of 3 years now which isn't great but what can you do?

yes we are finally on turf for the first time in a few years. every now and then we can't use it. but lucky there is some deal with the footy club to water...
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Young Willi Lad;321064 said:
Correct, time to move on.
How are everybody's grounds holding up?
Our outfield near the fence is getting a bit rough and dry(which is to be expected) and we need some rain.
It wasn't in the same category as Bundoora's was on the weekend, that was just dangerous.
And one other thing i want to address is, is anyone at all training on turf wickets?
I'd imagine Box Hill would be with there outstanding net set up but i wouldn't think there would be a lot of others.
Williamstown has been unable to train on turf were the best part of 3 years now which isn't great but what can you do?

yes we are finally on turf for the first time in a few years. every now and then we can't use it. but lucky there is some deal with the footy club to water...
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Bentley1930;321167 said:
Hmm - not so sure about that. Think it had something to do with the committee and that there was a possibility that they would offer him the coaching position but get someone else to captain the side.

Best thing about this thread is Fleshy and his western mates have faark off cos the heat is a bit hot.Hope fleshy is flushed out b4 next year,might have to cancel golf to watch some chin music.......long live sledging
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

Bentley1930;321167 said:
Hmm - not so sure about that. Think it had something to do with the committee and that there was a possibility that they would offer him the coaching position but get someone else to captain the side.

Best thing about this thread is Fleshy and his western mates have faark off cos the heat is a bit hot.Hope fleshy is flushed out b4 next year,might have to cancel golf to watch some chin music.......long live sledging
Re: subbies season 07/08 & 08/09

the flesh man wont be seen for while- he's in the Michael Phelps chat room of smoke!

2 out of 3 - Steve Viccars - ther's an interesting cat! Great team player - all bread the same out at Mount

all the grounds I've seen this year have been terrible and in desperate need of a good drink - that's no surprise to anyone

Bentley should keep stiring the pot and let the truth come out
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