Tendon Pain


New Member
Tendon Pain

I have been told that I've pulled (strained) a tendon in my knee. It's painful in starts and stops and seems to clear up only to come back after a few days.

I've tried resting it, leaving it for 4-6 weeks but it's still there. The pain is on the outside of my knee\leg.

What am I doing wrong and what I can to try to improve it?
Re: Tendon Pain

I am assuming you are a right arm bowler. Is the injury in the left or right knee?

I am surprised you were told it was a tendon strain, could it have been a ligament sprain?
Re: Tendon Pain

Right leg and yes I'm a right hand bowler. To be honest I went to the doctors as it was giving me gyp, a quick do this, do that and prod and the outcome was it's a tendon strain, go rest.
Re: Tendon Pain

It started towards the end of the summer, mid-August I think. Nohing to serious at first but got worse towards September.

I don't think I'd done anything differently, no major changes or anything. It's annoying now as I want to get on and get to the gym and martial arts lessons but feel I can only participate at 50%.
Re: Tendon Pain

Although it is extremely hard for me to say definitely without a 'prod' or two :D this sounds very much like a first degree sprain of the lateral collateral ligament ("LCL"). I am assuming there is no swelling in the area but please let me know if there is.

This soft tissue injury is usually caused by either some kind of knock to the inside of the knee or twisting. From what you tell me, I suspect it is the latter.

After the initial sprain, there is often a slight weakness and I suspect that rather than the initial injury lasting so long, you are re-injuring this area. You need to support your knee with a knee brace but if the injury occurs again you need to follow the PRICE protocol:

Ice (never apply ice directly to the skin);

The knee should be rested in an elevated position and cohesive bandage should be used as compression to help prevent excessive swelling. Oral Ibuprofen will help with the pain and swelling.

After 3-4 days total rest, you need to rehabilitate whilst protecting this area. Wear a knee brace for around 10 weeks.

If you find the pain occurs after a bowling session, you will need to analyse your action; it is possible that you have slightly changed your action and are putting too much stress on your knee. If you have a good coach, get him/her to have a look. If not, try to post a video here for me to have a look at.
Re: Tendon Pain

I'm glad to say that a little of taking it easy has seemingly doe the trick. Have been pain free for a good week or two now and although I'm not going to risk it just yet (well, no more than just swimming) I feel I'll be back in the swing of things soon.

Just a quick question for Liz, is there anything I can do to help prevent the injury in the first place?
Re: Tendon Pain

I am so pleased to hear this Stan.

Be very careful how you rotate on your right foot. If you are heavy footed you may find your knee trying to perform the rotation; unfortunately, though very obliging, knees are not designed to do so ;) . If you find you must rotate, make sure it is the foot moving.

Strengthen your leg muscles to give more stability and stretch them well/regularly to give you more range of movement about the joint.

When you return to 100% activity, make sure you are in easy reach of ice. As soon as you feel the first niggles, ice it to reduce inflammation.

Good luck!