
mas cambios

Active Member

Those of you that browse the forums will have seen that we have a new section, called vBookie, and you may be wondering what it's all about.

In it's simplest form, vBookie is a betting system, developed for the vBulletin forum. It allows us to create events, such as tests, series, matches or whatever, which can then be bet upon.

To do this, every forum member has been allocated a sum of 500 sCash. How much you bet per event is up to you but if you decide to go all in and bet everything and lose, you'll have to wait until a new event is created before receiving a token amount so you can resume playing.

All odds will be taken from one of 3/4 betting websites and will be updated periodically to reflect changes in odds, especially events with a long time frame.

If there are any events you'd like to see then please pm one of the Team sC members and they'll be happy to sort it out. Also, if you have any other queries regarding the system then please pm myself or AB.

Note: This whole system is virtual and no 'real' money is used. sCash and vBookie has no legal standing and is just for fun.