Which exercises???


New Member
Which exercises???

What exercises do you have to do to strengthen certain muscle (groups?)??

For me specifically, the back ( i guess you would call the core) and the hamstrings and calves....

I ask this because yesterday I started on this exercise regime and it included squats which I thought would work the hams....but today the only place that is sore is my thighs....

Anything that I should do to strength the legs and core?

This is the exercise routine:

5 mins jogging and 5 mins skipping (warmup)


15 pressups
25 situps
15 leg raises
1 min plank
20 squats...
1 3min bout with the heavy bag

I would repeat this 3 times with 3 min rest in between

after the last one I would have a light jog and sterch
Re: Which exercises???

Sorry WBK, I only have a few minutes so will get back to this tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you are feeling the squats in your quads, you are performing them incorrectly.

Stand feet, hip width apart. Ensure both are parallel; toes facing forward.
As you sit down, you must keep your lower leg perpendicular to the floor. Your knees must not move in front of your toe line.
Keep your trunk vertical as you lower, with your glutes moving down.

When you are at the bottom, your thighs should be parallel to the ground. You should be able to wiggle your toes; your weight should be through your heels.
Push up, through your heels as you rise up; no weight should be put through your toes at anytime and your trunk should not come forward.

Try it and let me know how it feels.
Re: Which exercises???

wannabekeeper said:
This is the exercise routine:

(1) 5 mins jogging and 5 mins skipping (warmup)

(2) Stretches

(3) 15 pressups
(4) 25 situps
(5) 15 leg raises
(6) 1 min plank
(7) 20 squats...
(8) 1 3min bout with the heavy bag

I would repeat this 3 times with 3 min rest in between

after the last one I would have a light jog and sterch

(1) Good.
(2) I trust these are dynamic and no static stretching takes place as this time.
(3) Good but try to introduce rotational press ups. Perhaps all the press ups in the second set!
(4) Not terribly functional for cricket but OK to help your back. Perhaps you could perform crunches during the second set to keep the abs activated.
(5) Please describe how you are doing these.
(6) Very good. 30 sec left side plank, 30 second plank, 30 second right side plank would help the back more. Move from one to the other with a continuous, controlled movement.
(7) Discussed in previous post
(8) Very good, ensure your keep light on your feet.

The following light jog and stretch is great; make sure these stretches are static and although you have good hamstring flexibility, a good developmental hamstring stretch to relieve stress on the lumbar spine.
Re: Which exercises???

What do you mean by dynamic stetches??

And for the leg raises I like flat on my back wit someone standing with their feet directly behind my head so I hold their ankles and raise my legs from the hip.....and when my legs reaches as far as they can go the person behind me would push down my feet sometimes at different angles...

can you explain what you mean by ....
"a good developmental hamstring stretch to relieve stress on the lumbar spine."
Re: Which exercises???

wannabekeeper said:
What do you mean by dynamic stetches??

Stretch during movement i.e. you do not hold the stretch.

wannabekeeper said:
And for the leg raises I like flat on my back wit someone standing with their feet directly behind my head so I hold their ankles and raise my legs from the hip.....and when my legs reaches as far as they can go the person behind me would push down my feet sometimes at different angles...

Do you raise your hips off the ground?

wannabekeeper said:
can you explain what you mean by ....
"a good developmental hamstring stretch to relieve stress on the lumbar spine."

Take a look at the first post on http://www.simplycricket.net/stretches-for-flexibilty-legs-t1358.0.html
Re: Which exercises???

Can you give me some examples of dynamic stretches and tell me why I shouldn't do static stretches...

And I definitely don't lift my hips off the ground
Re: Which exercises???

wannabekeeper said:
Can you give me some examples of dynamic stretches...

Go to http://www.harrowdrive.com/how-to-warm-up-for-cricket/ and read "Part 1. Gentle Activity".

wannabekeeper said:
...tell me why I shouldn't do static stretches...

The following is a quote from the 'Stretching' thread:
Liz Ward said:
Static Stretches are not only irrelevant within the game of cricket but are most likely to cause injury and loss of power.
[Kokkonen, Nelson and Cornwall 1998].

Static Stretching resulted in peak force reduction: 5% reduction in rate of force production and 8% decrease in Achilles tendon reflex activity.
[Rosenbaum and Hennig 1995]

Static Stretching resulted in a decrease in torque during eccentric contractions.
[Oberg 1993]

Static Stretches decrease eccentric strength by 9% for up to one hour.
[Bennett 1999]

Would you like me to go on? ;)

This all refers to pre-exercise stretches. As David said, warm ups are extremely important, as are post-exercise stretches.

wannabekeeper said:
And I definitely don't lift my hips off the ground

This sounds like a dynamic stretch. You can progress this to working your TA by lifting your hips off the ground as you raise both legs. However, you must make sure your back is strong enough.
Re: Which exercises???

Yes, static (maintenance and/or developmental) stretches are extremely important to increase the range of movement about a joint but, unless you are a gymnast, ballet dancer, circus performer etc, they must be performed after the activity.