Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?


New Member
Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?

Greetings all,

I am looking to get a nice ultra-lightweight cricket bat for myself - preferably grade 1 english willow - 2 lb to 2 lb 5 oz maximum.

I searched the internet long and hard and the only one I could come up with was Newbury Mjolnir at 2 lb 5 oz. But unfortunately, it uses a carbon fiber handle which was disappointing to know especially after reading this thread: http://www.simplycricket.net/hightech-bats-to-be-made-illegal-t2396.0.html

What is the lightest commercial/mass-produced bat in the market right now? Anything around 1 kg or 2 lb 3 oz.?

Thanks in advance. :)
Re: Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?

I think you might be struggling to get something off the peg at those weights.

Your best bet would be to contact a bat maker and get something made to your specs. If you let me know where you live (country will be fine) I might be able to give you a few contacts.
Re: Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?

Thanks mas, I live in India.

I wrote to James of Laver & Wood and he responded immediately with a resounding 'yes'. :) Price including shipping is very affordable so I guess I will order from him soon.

Do let me know of the contacts close to me if possible though. Thanks!
Re: Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?

Hmmm, should be plenty of bat makers around in India. Will have a look and see what I can find.

However, if James Laver has got back to you with a good price then I'd go with him, a very good bat maker and great customer service.
Re: Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?

If you're in India give SG an email, top quality bats. Most of the Kook sponsored players use their bats. They also ship within India via Mail Order, if I manage to get to India this October I'll be picking up a few of their bats for sure.
Re: Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?

None of them have anything lower than 2 lb 6 oz. Even that is a rarity. :)
Re: Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?

i would have thought a custom bat would be the better option here, then you would get exactly what you want?
Re: Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?

Please let us know how the bat is, thinking of getting one from him myself, I know his daughter quite well and he has some quality bats, pretty expensive though.
Re: Which is the LIGHTEST Traditional Bat?

Guys i dont have a problem with carbon handle, i got a fusion and they r just fine
Knocking the bat properly is essential