Weak maybe but Albo isn't the worst PM. That mantle went to Morrison. He's not got a job with Mike Pompeo as another spin doctor, an ex henchman of Trump.
I'm going to do a Donkey vote next State election,
Maybe Federal too if Elbow Easy is running.
Labor has some brilliant women like Tanya Plibersek and Penny Wong, but being women their chance of being PM is slim with the glass ceiling well in place.
My mother was a woman too. :confused:
Slight backtrack because I didn't read this:
The far-reaching decision he had to take not too long ago was to deny the Ukrainians those 45 Taipan choppers they desperately wanted to have despite them being grounded for reliability reasons because the Ukrainians, being in war, have a different idea of risk assessment .
There's some evidence that Defence and federal gov here are very sceptical about this conflict, and that's a view I evolved or absorbed myself for various reasons. We will pay lip service and do what's unavoidable (eg PM visited Ukraine last year because it was compulsory for an anglophone US/UK ally to do that). All the armoured vehicles we sent are shot up, worn out or captured and we aren't sending more. We issued a small number of refugee visas then time capped them when nobody was looking. I'm mildly embarrased, though not at all ashamed, to say that I never considered the Ukraine airframe denial as a major decision.
You're quite right about risk analysis. Both Ukraine and Russian Fed are in a fight to the death and see things differently from us (and Boris Johnson tittering on the sidelines about how clever he was about making this a conflict for the ages. Undergraduate author of Greek Histories). Gah!

My fictional character is an American male.
About how old would he be if he was living now?
In his fictional world, did he die?
Is he likeable (to a normal person)?
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I'm mildly embarrased, though not at all ashamed, to say that I never considered the Ukraine airframe denial as a major decision.
It's a question of perspective whether to call that decision a major one. If you take a look at the number of military large-scale equipment such as fighter jets, tanks, armoured vehicles, etc. then the largest figure mentioned so far has been 300 (tanks I think) but not delivered by one country alone. Within that framework 45 choppers is something, at least here in this country. For comparison, there is talk of 18 combat jets F16 to be sent to Ukraine in the future. It has to be said that our Sea King helis are 50 years old as well but if even that small number of six has attracted public attention, it's not hard to imagine how 45 helis would raise public awareness .
to deny the Ukrainians those 45 Taipan choppers they desperately wanted
Zelenzky is in the middle of a difficult period of trying to stop the Russian invader, heavy winter and enemy reinforcements are stalling his troops from advancing on several fronts. But the worse thing is the western aid is beginning to dry up in US over the Congress dispute, in EU over one renegade nation stalling a massive multi billion $ military grant and much needed weapons. With all this on his mind, then our govt saying they were going to scrap 45 faulty choppers rather than send them to a desperate Ukraine, he did his block. He was probably hurt more than anything seeing an ally abandon them. We could still repair those choppers or ship them to Ukraine and they can repair them. Albanese is good at back flips and Ukraine would be eternally grateful.
In which century did this fictional man live?
What was his job?
What was his ethnic background, White, Negro, Indian, ...?
Was he Religious?
In which century did this fictional man live?
What was his job?
What was his ethnic background, White, Negro, Indian, ...?
Was he Religious?
A teacher turned writer, but a struggling one. So he hits the bottle.
not sure.
I am taking my characterizations from the 1980 film.
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Another hint. The writer has promised his wife he will go on the wagon then takes a menial low pay winter job in the wilderness.
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