Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?


Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

I dont noe y ppl hate kevin peterson he his a good batsman does he have an ego or something??
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

He is quite an extroverted guy who's not afraid to speak his mind. I know here in South Africa the crowds and some of the players didn't take to kindly to him when England toured here as he had quite a few negative things to say about the country and the cricket administration and politics. He was seen as a traitor by some. He seems to have matured a bit as he's got used to being an international cricketer and also where he is in his life at the moment. There's no doubt that he's a very good player. I personally don't like him that much because of the things he has said about the country but I respect his decision to pursue his career elsewhere and his ability on the cricket pitch. Any team in the world would love to have someone of his ability in their team.
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

he gets fired up easily and instead of taking out his anger on the ball he has a go at the other team and sledges them :mad:
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

I guess that will not work against teams like Australia. I think most South Africans dont like him while English fans love him.
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

ah wellz he shouldnt sledge he musta done something cuz south africands dont winge much its the indians that winge
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

Why is it that you think so? Wasnt Australia whining when Harbhajan's ban was lifted? Its funny coming from you that you don't like Pietersen because he sledges since Australians are the ones who indulge the most in sledging. It doesn't matter to you when your team is doing it to others but when someone stands up to Australia you start crying.
Anyway back to the topic. I said South Africans hate him because he chose to play for England instead of SA where he was born.
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

Aside from the obvious feelings of many South Africans due to his defection to the England team I don't think he is universally hated.

Many people have a grudging respect for his talent but his demeanour can put people off. From what I know and hear, if you get past that he's a pretty genuine bloke. He is learning about international cricket and I think in time he'll learn the fine line between cockiness and confidence (if he hasn't already).

Also, lets keep this thread back on topic - no more anti Indian or Australian rubbish. We are pretty laid back on sC but I will not hesitate to dish out warnings or temporary bans if it continues.
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

Almost_Austwick said:
Aside from the obvious feelings of many South Africans due to his defection to the England team I don't think he is universally hated.

Many people have a grudging respect for his talent but his demeanour can put people off. From what I know and hear, if you get past that he's a pretty genuine bloke. He is learning about international cricket and I think in time he'll learn the fine line between iness and confidence (if he hasn't already).

I agree and I think I mentioned it in my previous post. He's maturing and learning how to deal with the media etc.

There are 2 points regarding South Africans' feelings about KP. The first is the obvious issue regarding playing for England instead of SA. I personally don't have an issue regarding that. He has a right to play for whoever he wants to imo and he's done well to get where he is today. He worked hard for it and deserves to be where he is because of that. He's not the first South African to play for England so thats not really the issue for me.

The second point and this is what I didn't like was his comments about SA and in his book regarding the intelligence of South African supporters. I didn't like the way he was booed onto the field either, but those people who booed him aren't a reflection of all South Africans. So I didn't think the comments were justified.

I'm sure he's a nice person, and was upset about how he was treated at the time by the SA cricket authorities, but again, there was no need to bad mouth everything South African. He also made a comment about Gulam Bodi, the player who was picked ahead of him in the provincial team, saying he hasn't done much since the incident happened. Bodi subsequently went on to play a few ODI's for SA and was voted one of SA's 5 cricketers of the year last year.
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

I think his attitude towards SA is wrong but you can understand it, especially as at the time he was just coming into the team and there was a lot of media and press around him. It doesn't help that him and Smith are far from being buddies.

He would have been far better to shut up and let his cricket do the talking, something he has no (hopefully) learned.
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

kizza said:
he gets fired up easily and instead of taking out his anger on the ball he has a go at the other team and sledges them :mad:

Most cricketers sledge including your own countries team!You can't complain Pietersen does it when most other players in World cricket do it.
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

kizza said:
he gets fired up easily and instead of taking out his anger on the ball he has a go at the other team and sledges them :mad:

I think you're talking about the Australian team, not KP.

As for the thread title, do they? I thought all of this had passed a while ago?
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

At the risk of teaching you to suck eggs, sledging is what Americans would call trash talk, I guess.

It's basically chatting to the opposing team in order to put them off or force a mistake, it can many take forms, from the friendly to the personal to the downright nasty.

Take a look here for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sledging_(cricket).
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

Dikon said:
Most cricketers sledge including your own countries team!You can't complain Pietersen does it when most other players in World cricket do it.
pfft nah man not as bad as KP
he dusnt shut up
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

Freddie sledges more than KP when he's actually playing. KP's an arrogant guy, and rightly so, he's a fantastically talented batsmen, and i think all the top players have to have that air of arrogance. Viv Richards, Ricky Ponting, Geoff Boycott, they all had the swagger, arrogance and belief in their ability that Pietersen has. Reading his book however makes him seem a very, very, genuine bloke, and reading his book made me really respect him. He may be slightly arrogant on the field, but off the field he's a real team fella, likes to spend time with his team-mates (namely Darren Gough in his book), he's a massive family orientated man, and shows real love for his family, and now wife Jessica Taylor/Pietersen. I respect KP immenesly and he remains my favourite player in the world, he is undoubtedly one of the most talented batsmen in world cricket, but also seems a really nice bloke off the field.
Re: Why do people hate Kevin Pietersen? What did he do?

if you play for some other country then people will always hate you but everyone does not hate him...