Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

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Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

someblokecalleddave;372585 said:
If he gets rid of the skips Bishen Bedi?

I thought it might have been one of the offies and then thought myself was Bishen Bedi. I have his autograph along with Chandrashakar from1977!
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

someblokecalleddave;372399 said:
you live in a big suburban area, QUOTE]

Sort of, but behind my back fence is bushland and we have kangaroos hanging out there at the moment!
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

At the moment we might stretch to the odd squirrel and the ocassional bat in the evenings but Kangaroos sounds interesting - are they the big old reds or one of the other types?

That aside, I bowled at a mate of mine today and also got to bat. The bowling was interesting as this is a bloke that has a tendency to slate my bowling more or less telling me that I'm crap everytime he sees me bowl. It was in the nets Wrist Spin Bowling: Chalkwell Park Cricket Nets and you probably know my feelings on bowling in nets, so I wasn't bowling with conviction more a case of just trying things out - my 4 variations.

I don't know whether you know about this as yet but I'm pretty much settled on bowling 4 different deliveries with sub-variations with my Leg Break.....
1. The Leg Break with 2 or 3 variations
2. The back-spinning Flipper
3. The Top Spinning Flipper
4. The Wrong Un

So from now on for at least the next 10 months I'm focusing on just these. I'm finished on all the other variations for that period and I'll just be practicing and using these balls all through the next season. The main focus of attention as all Wrist Spinners should - will be my Leg Break.

So today at the nets I was just bowling these four just seeing how they were going and how well my mate could deal with them. It wasn't long before he was telling me how crap I was and that my bowling was inconsistent "You should be putting it in one spot all the time and then do something different with it". Eventually I said - "Look you want me to bowl it as I do in a game with my stock ball"? To which he replied yeah and then I took him to task and I think he was surprised at how accurate and fast my basic leg break was as I consistently got the ball past him and he was having to play the balls that were on the off-stump. He then conceded that the balls that were on Middle and Off were the more tricky which was interesting and I could see what he meant. The balls that I was putting down the off-side at the off-stump invariably with the break go wide of the off stump and he was playing these with a lot more confidence than the ones straight down the middle which is not something I've ever considered before. Anything that was wide of the off-stump he was dealing with fairly well but I'd have argued that had there been a bloke at Gullly and Point I'd have had him quite a few times and most of his balls would have been fielded by cover. But I think by the end of the session he may have changed his mind about my bowling. So I came away quite pleased that since a year ago I personally have come quite some way, which I suppose is evident in my club bowling figures.

He also said that my batting had improved and that I was playing proper strokes. Initially I played my usual crap, but then as I 'Got my eye in' I grew with confidence and batted fairly well. With the massive increase in bowling abilities I might focus on batting in the nets this year and see if I can improve this aspect of my game. So a good day all round here in England where the weather is ludicrously warm!!!
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

They might be wallabies but they are a bit lost they must have crossed a main road to get to the bush behind my place.
Yeah I have been bowling in the nets a bit to various characters lately too. Legbreaks, topspinners, and wronguns plus the backspinner, still cant get the flipper full pitch though.
I know they are warned off bowling it but my kid wants to try one flipper at the end of his spell in a match ,after all the bounce he serves up it might get lbw now they play with official umpires. His is not bad, I can read it from the hand or rather thumb but if he gets it on the stumps it does keep low but he doesn't get big backspin but it does behave differently from all his other stuff.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

Good to hear that you're bowling Macca, I thought you'd thrown the towel in completely and didn't bowl at all anymore?

I don't know what the deal is with the Flipper and kids tendons, I reckon that if he was to bowl it he'd soon feel the soreness in the thumb if he was to over-do it. There's also the reverse click which does hurt - I don't know whether anyone else has ever had this, but when you go to flick it sometimes, the thumb clicks in the wrong way and it feels like it almost dislocates hence the pain. Thankfully it hardly ever happens but when it does it's an horrible feeling.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

been a while since i posted here, i'm still practicing regularly with 2 indoor nets a week. I'm in the process of completely overhauling my action due to being unhappy with the results of the season and my general bowling standard in general. I'm always either to slow with good turn or my bowling just isn't threatening. Looking to revert a bit more back to my natural action from when i first started as there is more rhythm and a higher speed follow through.

On a positive note my batting is nothing like what it once was and i'm batting alright against some of my uni's and clubs top bowlers so hopefully next year i won't bat like a number 11 rabbit in matches again.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

someblokecalleddave;372792 said:
Good to hear that you're bowling Macca, I thought you'd thrown the towel in completely and didn't bowl at all anymore?

I don't know what the deal is with the Flipper and kids tendons, I reckon that if he was to bowl it he'd soon feel the soreness in the thumb if he was to over-do it. There's also the reverse click which does hurt - I don't know whether anyone else has ever had this, but when you go to flick it sometimes, the thumb clicks in the wrong way and it feels like it almost dislocates hence the pain. Thankfully it hardly ever happens but when it does it's an horrible feeling.
I usually bowl seam and offspin at my son but legspin when i get in a bowling lineup at the nets. I am going to bowl more legspin at my kid because he could not hit the legspinner in his first dig in round 1.

Each time he has practised the flipper for any length of time even one hour he ends up hurting his thumb or hand but he has the ability to bowl one now without practising it much but it is usually offline but does floats on and stays low. He hardly ever thinks to bowl one but every couple of weeks at the nets he just bowls one for the hell of it i think.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

well that maybe overstating it a little its more getting rid of all the 'improvements' that i managed to do last off season and the start of the season that managed to destroy my bowling speed(lost 10 mph) and wreck my flight, only gain was a bit more accuracy and consistency.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

How did you do last season - what were your figures for the season? Did you see my comments further up, having tried out a whole load of different varitaions for the last 3 years I'm now looking to settle with 4 regular ones for the coming season and see how I get on with those. Usually I've got loads on the go in practice, but I'm just going to practice with the 4 lsited above and hopefully get very accurate and consistent with those. I even think that having the 4 is possibly too much - what I'd like to be able to do is get so good at the Leg Break that I can have a sub-variation of that which is predominantly Top-Spin and produces a lot of dip. I don't know whether it's possible to have 4 deliveries that you've got heaps of confidence in bowling in a match situation. I currently feel good about bowling the leg breaks but I'm always wary about bringing in the variations amidst the Leg Breaks as the first one always is a bit flaky. The intention is that I'd be practicing 'The Four' all the time so that they'd all be equally as good - I'll just have to see how it pans out.

I wish I could say the same as you with regards my batting, it'd be nice to move up to number 8 so that ocassionally I might get to survive a few more overs. But I had a decent bat today and my mate said I was playing proper strokes.

How's your fingers?
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

season stats were
24.33 overs, 139 runs, 5 wickets, econ 5.71, average 27.8
from 9 games(bowled in 7 of them)

the biggest loss i think from my bowling has been my pace off of the pitch as before i could draw a batsman forward and only had 1 dismissal with a leg break all season ironically the last ball of the season( a 2.5 footer from spinning from the rough to take out a leftie's stumps).
On the whole i probablly bowled a touch short and my flight went to pieces after my finger injury, which is now thankfully all but healed apart from a bit of soreness and scarring.

The batting was shocking in the season though 2 runs in 5 innings mainly need to just replicate my confidence in the middle next season from the nets as I get horrendously nervous when i go out and bat, though hopefully will bat 8 or 9 next season.

The plan for the off season is first to fix the bowling action, then hopefully to have 4 or 5 deliveries ready with a strong leg break, googly, top spinner to add to my arm ball. Will play around a little with the conventional backspinner and backspinning flipper as they seem to be ok when i've given them a go in the nets.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

gundalf7;372801 said:
well that maybe overstating it a little its more getting rid of all the 'improvements' that i managed to do last off season and the start of the season that managed to destroy my bowling speed(lost 10 mph) and wreck my flight, only gain was a bit more accuracy and consistency.

Yeah I thought later that is what you meant. Sort of what a lot of bowlers are doing all the time but if we saw a before and after of your bowling once you made the changes we would still recognize you as the same bowler.

I remember seeing some of your footage of your bowling and thinking what a tricky customer you would be bowling on the bouncy pitches or concrete around here.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

Really worried about the game tomorrow , my kid is overpitching and giving the ball way too much air at the moment and tomorrow they play the best team in the comp.

Overpitching is better than underpitching because even the most hopeless kids can usually play some sort of shot against a long hop whereas some kids cant handle the full pitched ball at all. But tomorrow he will be bowling to a few rep players and overpitching to them will be a problem.

He is letting go of the ball a fraction too early, we will have a bowl at some targets today and try and get the range right.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

someblokecalleddave;372802 said:
I wish I could say the same as you with regards my batting, it'd be nice to move up to number 8 so that ocassionally I might get to survive a few more overs. But I had a decent bat today and my mate said I was playing proper strokes.

How's your fingers?

Maybe you should study Philpott and Grimmett on batting. They wrote almost as much about that subject as bowling.
Grimmett had his own technique though not recommended by most experts. Whereas he collapsed his front leg when bowling instead of bracing it, he braced his front leg when batting instead of bending it. W.G.Grace batted like this too so it is possible.

Grimmett taught bradman and mc cabe the late cut or back cut and it was his main shot. He would back away from the fast bowlers and late cut them.

But Grimmett said he always threw his innings away after 20 or so runs because batting effects your ability to bowl ! That was his story anyway.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

He does sound like he was a bit of a wind up merchant Mr Grimmet! I'll have a look again at my books and see what I can discover. Funnily enough we were outside the house today having a bit of a knock about and there's a shot of me with my 'Grimmetesque' straight leg technique, I might upload it to the blog later.
Re: Wrist Spin Bowling (Part Two)

Dean3;372992 said:
Not that unusual. Both my sons were bowling respectable leg spin before they were 3. One was still in nappies!

Yeah - but are they still bowling Leg Spin and are they taking wickets by the bagful?
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