Xavier Super 3's

Re: Xavier Super 3's

Hoggi;140144 said:
General chit-chat about this awesome outfit

Hoggi 0/37 of 3 need i saw more
Symcox match winnig performance
Tom Moody can't field
Bravo needs to retire
Monty Paneasar makes less runs then Cosgrave
Dravid tries to take chest makes
Zahheer Khan can't even get a game
Heath Streak - need i say more
Darren Gough needs glasses
kalawitharana needs a game
And unknown, well he must be the best of the lot
Re: Xavier Super 3's

Ah Francis. You say that young monty of the super 3s makes less runs than matt "chunkster" cosgrave. This may be true, BUT at he does make more than that molan character. 2 quackers....need i say more?:p