Dvca, Nmca And Hdca To Merge

Which Association Clubs will benefit the most from this merger

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So if someone could please explain how "some people" have gone against wishes and intenet it would be appreciated. As for agendas, there may be a hidden one somewhere for person/s, i don't know. That's why we will have the right to ask questions at the AGM......

The DVCA carries on as normal from this point on - I agree that if the executive or members thereof do not share the same vision of the clubs, then clubs have every vote to refrain from electing any particualar person they feel does not represent their club wishes.

As is i said at the presidents meeting, if this was a common feeling amongst clubs, we should have got on the front foot early, been united and knocked this on the head before it gathered any more momentum. If one thing, at least the clubs fully understand how important it is to communcate with each other, which can only be a long term benefit.

We may not like the "message" but i think it's wrong to attribute all blame to the "messengers" who were elected to represent us and did so on this issue with the knowledge of all clubs.

I have heard that some will stand down which indicates to me that they are unhappy with the way the clubs have gone on this. Why would they be unhappy? Yes they where there on the steering committee and to represent us...so why be upset, should being on that committee gain info and report back to us with information for our voting?? Why resign?

If they where the 'messengers' then after finding out that the clubs do not what NCL they will happily stay on the Exec and we move on with out incident.......thats IF they are only 'messengers'.
I will repeat what Mark Maxwell has said a few times: "If Clubs don't want to join the NCL they don't have to apply to join and can stay in the DVCA". All Clubs had the opportunity to nominate people for the working party (with 2 Executive members on the senior group and 1 on the Junior) we sat back to listen to a proposal. There was not enough information given to Clubs to confidently say how it will work, and for the Presentation at Banyule to include what appears to be a fait accompli -
In 2011-12 only a minor transition to take place; but that free movement can occur across the 3 associations in terms of entering teams in age groups (grading)
In 2012-13 -> full transition and integration
It would be disappointing if Executive members walk away when Clubs have decided not to join the NCL. They were there to look at the best options to present to the Clubs - if they thought it is the way to go then just implement it. I have lost many "discussion points" in my 30+ years on the Committee at LPCC, however just butter up and keep going. Not once have I thought of tossing it in because I did not agree with something.
I appreciate the amount of work done by the working party, but if the Rules Committee was implemented as discussed last season then maybe some of these great ideas would have been presented to the DVCA Clubs and Executive and we would not have head the energies of 3 Executive members working on something with poor information exchange with the Clubs (as previusly posted).
Off to the DVCA pre AGM tonight - looking forward to meeting with all of the potential nominations for the new executive...:p
Off to the DVCA pre AGM tonight - looking forward to meeting with all of the potential nominations for the new executive...:p
And since then, no one has mentioned the NCL.....is this the end??? Did anyone stand up and put their hats in the ring to be on the Executive for this season??
got the email the other day from NMCA "Business as usual" so I suggest it's all off! I don't understand why the NCL don't come out and just say it, They must be really stinky on how all this played out!
got the email the other day from NMCA "Business as usual" so I suggest it's all off! I don't understand why the NCL don't come out and just say it, They must be really stinky on how all this played out!

I think they have all left the building! Last one out turn the lights out please:)
And since then, no one has mentioned the NCL.....is this the end??? Did anyone stand up and put their hats in the ring to be on the Executive for this season??

Funny, no one was seen jumping up and down trying to get on the executive.
The DVCA have said they need at least 6 nominations to join the board this year - including the Junior corodinator which will be a tough gig to fill.
Funny, no one was seen jumping up and down trying to get on the executive.
The DVCA have said they need at least 6 nominations to join the board this year - including the Junior corodinator which will be a tough gig to fill.
True, but as you can appreciate Ex Prez, many of the people in the room "Jumping up & Down" are all ready serving on their own Club committee and possibly other Sporting committees aswell. Surely those who were committed to the survival of the DVCA and it's clubs with in it doesnt mean they have to automatically join the Executive on short notice. But if that is the case, we could have 20 new people on the Executive.
But who knows in the future, it may be an option for some, especially for those Ex Presidents out there.
True, but as you can appreciate Ex Prez, many of the people in the room "Jumping up & Down" are all ready serving on their own Club committee and possibly other Sporting committees aswell. Surely those who were committed to the survival of the DVCA and it's clubs with in it doesnt mean they have to automatically join the Executive on short notice. But if that is the case, we could have 20 new people on the Executive.
But who knows in the future, it may be an option for some, especially for those Ex Presidents out there.

True, but the new exec has to come from somewhere.

Me...Not likely, ex prez for a reason and its not so i can join the DVCA exec...
True, but the new exec has to come from somewhere.

Me...Not likely, ex prez for a reason and its not so i can join the DVCA exec...
Totally Agree, being a President of a large club or any club for that matter is a huge undertaking and is taxing to say the least.
Hopefully the DVCA Executive will attract some good people to to get involved and continue the the great work the DVCA executives over the past 60 years, have done.
Hey cc this is our board! DVCA NMCA HDCA to merge or can't you read?? Dvca hero, you blokes think your the best comp in Australia!! Is that why Ryder, Maxwell and Aitken are stepping down?? They had vision, youv'e got no idea! sorry you have, you think your the best!! Please, your are dreaming!
Hey cc this is our board! DVCA NMCA HDCA to merge or can't you read?? Dvca hero, you blokes think your the best comp in Australia!! Is that why Ryder, Maxwell and Aitken are stepping down?? They had vision, youv'e got no idea! sorry you have, you think your the best!! Please, your are dreaming!

No this is a THREAD on the DVCA BigCricket board. No I do not think we are the best I could not a rats about being the best. If you need to think yours is the best comp great, pat on the back and well done.
what do you do to the cow??? It was the best thing for cricket, but the dvca clubs shut it down!! arrrogance personified!!
"We just want to play local cricket", god forbid we might do something good for the game or be challened in any way!!
We'll just have a cold beer after the game and tell each other how good we were!! I really think you need to get your head out of the cows Ar....!!! All your board wanted it, doesn't tell you something?? the dvca clubs have put everything back 5 years! Trust me it will happen with or without the cow! speakink of beer, I will give you an example, see if you can follow, it will only be one example then multiply it by everthing we use for cricket. we go to the local and say we will buy 1000 slabs min, how much? $25? , you still following?? caculate that forward and see what your club makes!! you can do the maths can't you?? you might say who cares but your commitee will be counting and saying "what the, we might be 10/20k ahead by the end of the season! got it? I didn't think so!!!
what do you do to the cow??? It was the best thing for cricket, but the dvca clubs shut it down!! arrrogance personified!!
"We just want to play local cricket", god forbid we might do something good for the game or be challened in any way!!
We'll just have a cold beer after the game and tell each other how good we were!! I really think you need to get your head out of the cows Ar....!!! All your board wanted it, doesn't tell you something?? the dvca clubs have put everything back 5 years! Trust me it will happen with or without the cow! speakink of beer, I will give you an example, see if you can follow, it will only be one example then multiply it by everthing we use for cricket. we go to the local and say we will buy 1000 slabs min, how much? $25? , you still following?? caculate that forward and see what your club makes!! you can do the maths can't you?? you might say who cares but your commitee will be counting and saying "what the, we might be 10/20k ahead by the end of the season! got it? I didn't think so!!!

Seriously dude! Go away and have a good long think about what you said, and then once you understand that all you have demonstrated is just how low your IQ really is, I think you'll want to stay away!!
what do you do to the cow??? It was the best thing for cricket, but the dvca clubs shut it down!! arrrogance personified!!
"We just want to play local cricket", god forbid we might do something good for the game or be challened in any way!!
We'll just have a cold beer after the game and tell each other how good we were!! I really think you need to get your head out of the cows Ar....!!! All your board wanted it, doesn't tell you something?? the dvca clubs have put everything back 5 years! Trust me it will happen with or without the cow! speakink of beer, I will give you an example, see if you can follow, it will only be one example then multiply it by everthing we use for cricket. we go to the local and say we will buy 1000 slabs min, how much? $25? , you still following?? caculate that forward and see what your club makes!! you can do the maths can't you?? you might say who cares but your commitee will be counting and saying "what the, we might be 10/20k ahead by the end of the season! got it? I didn't think so!!!

if dvca clubs have gone back 5 years then the NMCA is still 5 years off us.