Cmca 2012/13

Agree to an extent. But surely the majority of clubs simply cannot afford to spend that much money on a suburban club. Shouldnt Bentleigh be winning this award eveery year? If they are spending double the next club, Id say every year they dont win it is a fail.

So Uniting, due to their own professional outlook no doubt, are a success due to their sheer want and will to raise funds. BUT, as they are clearly about to flaunt the rules this year, surely all of that is out of the window. Do they deserve the same backlash as the Melbourne Storm if they win the 1st XI flag this year?

East Sandy, who spend a lot less than them, won the 1st XI flag. A massive effort. So it comes down to winning 1st XI flags (East Sandy), or winning Club Championships (Bentleigh). Interesting debate.
Sometimes when people love someone or something so much they are blind to there or it's faults, evident here.

North Your out look from a outsider looking is interesting as you base all base all you'r facts on gossip n speculation, if you heard it on the grapevine it must be true!!!

Your questioning Bucc measure for succes what's the alternative then?? What does your club measure yourself on?? How many chickens up for grab in your yearly chook raffle??

Club champion is measured across all grades n all junior sides, and the fact people want to be apart of thR club n drag others along, maybe look at your clubs faults n were they can improve rather then putting your focus on this year club champion winners!!
Sometimes when people love someone or something so much they are blind to there or it's faults, evident here.

North Your out look from a outsider looking is interesting as you base all base all you'r facts on gossip n speculation, if you heard it on the grapevine it must be true!!!

Your questioning Bucc measure for succes what's the alternative then?? What does your club measure yourself on?? How many chickens up for grab in your yearly chook raffle??

Club champion is measured across all grades n all junior sides, and the fact people want to be apart of thR club n drag others along, maybe look at your clubs faults n were they can improve rather then putting your focus on this year club champion winners!!

Maybe it's all heard on the grapevine so could you please set us straight. Which of Le Bron, Dwyane and Bosh won't be getting paid next year? It was common knowledge what the other two were on over the last two seasons and rumours are developing very quickly about what Luke is getting paid directly from the club. Not to mention his new career with the brothers...
Rumour has it that it is now a total of 6 players at uniting ,
On the payroll ,If you include Chubbs , Britt and Richards .
AWM always got his finger on the pulse .
Down at spider park juniors and club depth are priority
Maybe it's all heard on the grapevine so could you please set us straight. Which of Le Bron, Dwyane and Bosh won't be getting paid next year? It was common knowledge what the other two were on over the last two seasons and rumours are developing very quickly about what Luke is getting paid directly from the club. Not to mention his new career with the brothers...

Common knowledge?? What on the grapevine again?? Must be spot on like Keith Sch 50k a year at Ana.........I wasn't even aware Luke signed at Uniting or is working with the Krakour brothers!
In regards to clubs paying players,

Firstly, if the AFL, with their billion dollar revunue, struggle to uphold their salary cap system then the CMCA have absolutely no chance.
Secondly, it's become very obvious that creative accounting has created successful clubs.
Thirdly, it's obvious again that the CMCA player payment laws are more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. Welcome aboard the CMCA Miss Turner!

Personally, I'm negotiating a $4000 contract with the Spiders to stop playing this season, which will undoubtedly make them a stronger playing squad. Negotiations are going very well.
Bentleigh Uniting has again won the prestiges Club Champion award.
Awarded to the strongest and best performed club through out senior and junior grades.
This is the 11th time Uniting has won the award in the past 20 years. A CMCA Record.
Well done to all at the club, from the Under 12 boys right up to our Longmuir lads.
Well deserved recognition

I think this sums the situation up very clearly to the Uniting knockers.

It is the equivalent of winning the Dr McClelland Trophy. No flags but something to put in the cupboard or use as a door stop.
Bentleigh Uniting has again won the prestiges Club Champion award.
Awarded to the strongest and best performed club through out senior and junior grades.
This is the 11th time Uniting has won the award in the past 20 years. A CMCA Record.
Well done to all at the club, from the Under 12 boys right up to our Longmuir lads.
Well deserved recognition

I think this sums the situation up very clearly to the Uniting knockers.

It is the equivalent of winning the Dr McClelland Trophy. No flags but something to put in the cupboard or use as a door stop.

Clock my old mate,
There's not allot of times where i disagree with your good self, but you must be going senile in your old age.
Uniting have won more flags in the last two years than some clubs have won in 20 [ do you want me to name them ].
This is all due to good management, a club full of loyal workers, good fund raising, [ to allow them to spend on coaches and players ] and most importantly, players who want to play for the club after finishing their junior stints.
I'm not sure that there would be too many club officials out there that would not want to be proud of winning a club championship, i certainly was '' once upon a time ''.
If i was a person looking for a new club and balanced my thoughts on either Uniting or the gold caps, geez its a no brainer.
Club strength, depth and consistant performamces in ALL grades is what you should be striving for and over the years i had just as much enjoyment seeing a 3rd or 4th 11 premiership with my club than i did winning a first 11 flag.
Some people are clearly bitter or living in dream land it is quite astonishing some of the reasons people are creating to make a argument or bring down a club or stop them in there tracks!
Bucc has always n always will be about junior development n club success, if any club does any of these two things better then step up so we can all listen n learn........there is always room for improvement, even at Bucc!
The mentalist nailed it in everything he said, bucc has a great junior base with all the kids staying on after there junior days, premierships been won through out the grades 5 in even though all seems well at the Den more will be done to raise the bar, if others can't compete in all areas then I would imagine hope that others can learn from what works around the competition!
For years Bucc worked hard through all grades n juniors, the Longmuir side 10 years ago battled, but the juniors came through, funds were raised, premierships won, facilities repaired upgraded first, training aids purchased first, honor boards fixed only have to walk into uniting to see all the history on the walls a frame photo of every single premiership side ever at the club on the walls! Everything was set in place no players had been bought in from outside in my time untill the club found a couple of experienced n quality individuals who wanted to be apart of the plan n help shape it, it was a east decision n a fruitful one, that nearly paid off right across the board except were beating by the better side on the day in the last match of the year.
The bar needs to be raised further n higher n in knowing how the club runs everything will be done to atone for last year n all boxses will be ticked, I bet this far in the lead up all boxses have been or are about to be ticked, how can anybody argue with a club who operates like this (they can if they do it better) or have for longer?
Anyway this topic has been done to death, let's move on!

Like to raise a topic for discussion n ideas on some changes is the CMCA!

1: Is cricket and it's old format becoming out dated? 72 overs every Saturday in the field or batting?
What about changing it to 22 one day matches 45 a side? If there is not enough weekends then have 11 sides in each grade with 20 one day games over the season......take a risk a leap perhaps? Trial it if it does not work change it back, 90 overs in a day requires about 2hrs 40 mins a innings. 1pm - 3:40pm tea till 4pm then finish at 6:40pm?

2: the points format is it working? It's not broke but a lot of leagues do it different n just interested in what people think, let's say 13pts for a win but if the losing side chasing lose by 50-40 they get 1pt winners get 12, 40-30 losers 2pts winners 11, 30-20 losers 3 winners 10, 20-10 losers 4 winners 9, 10-0 losers 5 winners 8.
Same can be done if losing team bowling last, winners 13pts for a 4 wicket win a 5 wkt winners 12pts losers 1 6 wkts loss 11 points losers 2, 7 wickets winners 1o losers 3, 8 wkts winners 9 losers 4,9 wicket winners 8 losers 5

Think people get my point, thoughts?
With all the talk going on try this one on for size Glen Lalor has been offerd a huge contract to move to Mckinnon dont know if his going it will test hi sloyality the sort of money being offerd plus for him to bring some players with him, not saying his leaving but its on the table for him to choose may be the reason uniting are chasing manders so hard.
Have you seen Rohan bat? Stability n Schreier don't fit in the same sentence!! Even Rohan would admit he throws his wicket away by been to aggressive!!

Good to hear from you Pup. Shame to see the northern summer has affected your memory. "Stability n Schreier don't fit in the same sentence" - Remember Fawkner Park, SF 2004/05..... Hhmmm.... get off the warm beer champ!!!

To clarify to all and sundry and put several queries to bed, I am returning to Moorabbin West in 2012/13 and am looking to assist the newly appointed Captain/Coach in whatever way I can at training, as well as - needless to say - trying to perform my best, along with all my teammates, to win games on match day.

That, Pup, may be inhibited by my ability to "throw my wicket away" needlessly. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Maybe I could pop in and get some coaching tips some time from the most rational batsman in the CMCA who never throws his wicket away...... When are you back so I can lock it in mate?

UM, thanks for the kind words, and for memories of some good innings you've seen me play. Unfortunatley, and remember I've been out of the CMCA for 7 or 8 years now, some people just have no idea of what I have done or where I have been, other than idle comments, yet can lay claim to knowing me apparently better than I know myself.

Looking forward to taking on many former adversaries (and plenty of new ones) in 2012/13. Bring it on!
To those knocking BUCC for the money being thrown around & ESBCC for their 'unique culture':

1 - If they have the fundraising capabilities to pay larger amounts than other Clubs, then YOUR Club may need to look at its fundraising efforts, the numbers in your Club or the 'culture' your Club portrays in recruiting players, members, supporters & sponsors.

2 - Fundraising is easier to do in a larger Club (ie: Bentleigh Uniting/ESBCC) through sheer weight of numbers. If a Club needs to raise, lets say, $5K they need to ask members for support. If the Club has 6 senior & 6 junior teams and 140 playing members, each playing member needs do donate between $35 per member (approx). A Club with only 2 senior teams and 30 playing members require their playing members to cough up $165+ to achieve the same result. (Please note: this example is based AFTER subs have been paid to cover playing/operating costs)

3 - Larger Clubs are usually the most successful due to a positive/professional/successful/powerful 'culture'. ESBCC & BUCC lead the way in this area and many Clubs could do worse than to take a leaf out of their books.

4 - Once the Club has larger numbers, sponsors are easier to find. Got a business? Do you want to advertise to 30 people or 140 people for the same price? No brainer!!

At the end of the day, if BUCC can afford to pay and survive in the long term - GREAT. And for all you haters out there, if they can't afford it and go down the gurgler (although I can't see it happening), ONLY then will do be able to do your little victory dance. Until then, focus on your own backyard (aka own Club) and plan a way of knocking off the ONLY 2 Clubs that have won a Longmuir Premiership in the past 11 years! If you can do that, you will then have everybody bitching that YOUR Club is doing something against the spirit or laws, and so the circle goes round. It has for all 32 years of my cricket (most in the CMCA) and nothing seems to have changed. It used to be Mackie/Union/ANA/ESBC/Omega that copped it in the 80's/90's now its ESBCC & BUCC.

I am sure I get PLENTY of response to this. Please people, having been away for the best part of a decade, am I that far off the mark? Having seen how things operate at higher levels, and reading waht I have tonight on this thread, I have a feeling I am pretty close to the money.
Me thinks they doth protest too much.

You keep talking about developing players and that juniors are the future of your club and yet despite all the great resources and hard work that many dedicated Uniting people have put into the club, someone has decided that these juniors are not up to the job and that a third recruit is required to top off Lalor and Russell. Assuming Mr. Ernst graces our shores this season there is effectively another recruit that can be added to the team effectively shutting out four spots. Add Surridge to the list and that blocks five spots. Three of the four spots are taken by players who are only there for the money; nothing more nothing less.

What must the young ones and some of the veterans be thinking? On the one hand they are continually told that loyalty is everything, the club is there for them, and yet they know that the club is paying huge amounts to mercenaries. Who pays for this? Well they do through their subs, attending functions, buying food and drink and partaking in the weekly raffle, and then there is the many thankless hours they put in behind the scenes which is done on an honoury basis. Merceranries do not concern themselves with such trivial matters. What pride can be taken from winning a flag on the back of a group of mercenaries who everyone knows will probably take their bat for hire to the next club that is prepared to pay for them? I would want to see the Backmans, Zaias, Brisbane et al players who have contributed all their lives to the club and then you could genuinely celebrate an achievement.

Now Mr. Ernst is proposing a new structure of ‘22 one day matches 45 over a side’. Is this perhaps a ploy to try and defeat the Juggernaut because they do not have the ability to do it in a two day match? If you were one of the peripheral players on the Uniting list you would probably be waiting for quite some time to get a hit in this team.

This season has seen two highly paid recruits with the end result being that Uniting failed to win one senior or junior premiership. Why? Instead of closely examining whether there are other systemic issues within the club the first reaction is to go out and sign up another mercenary. It makes a mockery of the club championship award as clearly Washington Park was the stand out team this year.

Where is the Executive in all of this just to give us all the pretence that they are actually doing their job and monitoring the situation?. Oh I forget one of the alleged benefactors at Uniting is the President. Dear oh dear what a tangled web we weave....

Anyway good luck to Uniting and let’s hope you can win at least one flag this season.
Your lemon tree must be bare clocker as you continue to sink your teeth into all that grows!

You can bitch n moan all day clocker, decisions at the Den are not done to please you, Ash n Glenn are quality individuals everyone has learnt something from them both along the way.

I was going to write a long reply how just over a year ago our Longmuir winning team was made up of 9 juniors who worked there wAy up n the wooly side the same year had 10 juniors who worked there way up, but your sour nature is not worth any further exchange Clocker, the mentalist nailed it earlier!

Good to hear from you Pup. Shame to see the northern summer has affected your memory. "Stability n Schreier don't fit in the same sentence" - Remember Fawkner Park, SF 2004/05..... Hhmmm.... get off the warm beer champ!!!

To clarify to all and sundry and put several queries to bed, I am returning to Moorabbin West in 2012/13 and am looking to assist the newly appointed Captain/Coach in whatever way I can at training, as well as - needless to say - trying to perform my best, along with all my teammates, to win games on match day.

That, Pup, may be inhibited by my ability to "throw my wicket away" needlessly. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Maybe I could pop in and get some coaching tips some time from the most rational batsman in the CMCA who never throws his wicket away...... When are you back so I can lock it in

With all respect Rohan, 1 Mercantile innings is hardly the pinnacle of ones career but by all means hold it close!
Now I never said you were not talented just that you liked the easy runs up for grabs, no one is perfect least of all me, but the topic was not about me or my batting Rohan.

But good to hear your back in the CMCA best of luck!
Your lemon tree must be bare clocker as you continue to sink your teeth into all that grows!

You can bitch n moan all day clocker, decisions at the Den are not done to please you, Ash n Glenn are quality individuals everyone has learnt something from them both along the way.

I was going to write a long reply how just over a year ago our Longmuir winning team was made up of 9 juniors who worked there wAy up n the wooly side the same year had 10 juniors who worked there way up, but your sour nature is not worth any further exchange Clocker, the mentalist nailed it earlier!

Glad that BUCC is not a public company, otherwise there would be a lot of questions asked like what did spending all of the money on mercernaries achieve this year? Nought. Sorry the Club Championship or the Phil Cox Cup as a booby prize despite winning nothing. Keep reminding yourself about your core values and please remind the younger ones as well.
Brett said:
With all respect Rohan, 1 Mercantile innings is hardly the pinnacle of ones career but by all means hold it close!
Now I never said you were not talented just that you liked the easy runs up for grabs, no one is perfect least of all me, but the topic was not about me or my batting Rohan.

But good to hear your back in the CMCA best of luck!


Thats right Pup, I've played 1 innings in 10 years. Geez I'll be lucky to get in the 2's at that rate, won't I.

Easy runs? No runs are easy Pup. You should know that, but maybe I give you more credit than I probably should.

Given your rating of my batting prowess (without having actually seen me bat for more than 7 years), I would have thought that your guidance would help me. Please Pup, can you help me become a better person, or am I biting on a lemon tree too?