MMVCA General Cricket Chat

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Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

King Kong you pathetic ape, why is it your stupid little brain needs to blame an umpire.You guys were just not good enough.
I was talking to Allan Taylor after the game and as far as he was concerned you had made 60 runs to many so he had to give you out LBW.. Nothing better than seeing you given out LBW hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
If i were you guys i would look at getting Johny Grant down to your club to teach you all how to catch!
Anyway here's to a great off season for you swinging tree to tree and eating all the Bananas and other fruits you can get your Ape hands on...

QUOTE]Well you know who i am, not that ive ever tried to hide it, but your happy to sit behind your computer insulting every1, i tell you now betweenthelegsnoballs im happy to meet you any time in person and we can discuss things a little further.
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

we were acually having a chat to some of the glenroy boys the other nite and they also mentioned they would like 2 send out a huge thankyou to the association for the medals they got they think there choice in getting JOHN GRANT THE JEWLLERS to do them this year was sensational.. and once again thankyou to the coppers that didnt mind the game of nude cricket going on in the rain it was great fun
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

Congrats to Glenroy and deepest condolences to St Andrew's. I hope we can be mates again King Kong. Just one things to say: If only you St Andrews boys beat ST Mary's in round 11, what a shame. You'd be 3 flags full. Hope to c all you blokes next season. Cheers.

p.s: Give Jonny Grant a spell, he puts in the hards yards always, and we are all human.
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

kingkong;340291 said:
King Kong you pathetic ape, why is it your stupid little brain needs to blame an umpire.You guys were just not good enough.
I was talking to Allan Taylor after the game and as far as he was concerned you had made 60 runs to many so he had to give you out LBW.. Nothing better than seeing you given out LBW hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
If i were you guys i would look at getting Johny Grant down to your club to teach you all how to catch!
Anyway here's to a great off season for you swinging tree to tree and eating all the Bananas and other fruits you can get your Ape hands on...

QUOTE]Well you know who i am, not that ive ever tried to hide it, but your happy to sit behind your computer insulting every1, i tell you now betweenthelegsnoballs im happy to meet you any time in person and we can discuss things a little further.

King Kong you Ape we have meet, dont you remember when i visited the zoo and gave you a Barney Banana Ice cream...... You were sitting in your favourite tree cracking nuts and tossing them at the crowd. Actually i think you hit one on the legs and screamed that it was LBW, but Allan Taylor gave it not out after having a good look at the replay!!!
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

kcricket;340307 said:
Congrats to Glenroy and deepest condolences to St Andrew's. I hope we can be mates again King Kong. Just one things to say: If only you St Andrews boys beat ST Mary's in round 11, what a shame. You'd be 3 flags full. Hope to c all you blokes next season. Cheers.

QUOTE]Your biggest problem kcricket is you talk before you think. And if we beat you in rd 11 we woulda played you in the semi, so wat your saying is you woulda lost is that correct.
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

kingkong;340291 said:
King Kong you Ape we have meet, dont you remember when i visited the zoo and gave you a Barney Banana Ice cream...... You were sitting in your favourite tree cracking nuts and tossing them at the crowd. Actually i think you hit one on the legs and screamed that it was LBW, but Allan Taylor gave it not out after having a good look at the replay!!!
Thats right i remember, your mum was pushing you in the wheelchair and you had dribble coming outta your mouth. And you didnt give me the ice cream i took it off you and then you s h i t your pants and then had a nappy change. If im right that was just before your 26th birthday.
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

cricket tragic;337512 said:
My post was regarding the movement of a certian person from pascoe, nothing to do with your intentions. I was only referring to you in response to the club's decision to move people on, who don't have the clubs best interest at heart for what ever reason, as you have a leadership role at your club

I noticed on Cricket Victoria that pacco are advertizing for a coach cpt/coach
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

kingkong;340291 said:
King Kong you pathetic ape, why is it your stupid little brain needs to blame an umpire.You guys were just not good enough.
I was talking to Allan Taylor after the game and as far as he was concerned you had made 60 runs to many so he had to give you out LBW.. Nothing better than seeing you given out LBW hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
If i were you guys i would look at getting Johny Grant down to your club to teach you all how to catch!
Anyway here's to a great off season for you swinging tree to tree and eating all the Bananas and other fruits you can get your Ape hands on...

QUOTE]Well you know who i am, not that ive ever tried to hide it, but your happy to sit behind your computer insulting every1, i tell you now betweenthelegsnoballs im happy to meet you any time in person and we can discuss things a little further.

Can I buy a ticket KK, It would be a great spectacle
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

kingkong;340350 said:
Thats right i remember, your mum was pushing you in the wheelchair and you had dribble coming outta your mouth. And you didnt give me the ice cream i took it off you and then you s h i t your pants and then had a nappy change. If im right that was just before your 26th birthday.

Ape man now you know that could not be possible as the electric fence would've given you a shock when you went to reach over the fence, as all animals are kept away from all humans. Anyway nice train of thought but i think you are having flash backs to when Bounty hunters were trying to capture you to run tests on Apes being flown into Space!

Ape, have you ever thought about becoming a pair of Cricket pads?
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

Can't bowl can't bat;340392 said:
kingkong;340291 said:
Can I buy a ticket KK, It would be a great spectacle

Yes you can buy a ticket to see King Kong from the front gate at the Zoo. Mind you they are thinking about locking away KK as he is getting to old and Grey and Palm trees cant hold his weight anymore! But anyway they may have him out just to give him a walk around. Enjoy.
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

YoungGun;328272 said:
worry about making 310 u nimrod...... what a waste of a season being up there this hole time and to lose to pacoe in the last round that use wouldve been expected to win haha...

GLENROY for the flag ;)

what a great post this was even before the 2nd day of the last game of the season and glenroy wherent even in the finals !!!!

i dont think anybody will have much to say about this ....
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

My Captain said:
Well done Glenroy it was a great game to watch. We had our chances but we drooped 3 or 4 catches, also we had 2 or 3 decisions go against us, but I think we got 1 for us. I would like to congratulate Coxy, Boston and all involved in the win. Lets hope when we (St Andrews) come back next year and win our 4th flag in & 7 years and 3rd in 4 years. It will be in the MMVCA.

5 of the last 6 between the 2 clubs and I hope you are right
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

GeeCeeCee;340118 said:
It was a fantastic game played in great spirits by both sides. I would like to thank all the St Andrews players who came back to our clubrooms for a drink last night, i know it hurts guys, but you were all very gracious in defeat. You play hard on the ground, but afterwards you are a good bunch of blokes. Well done Guys.

I know this has happened in the past after previous grand finals and it shows that while on the ground we all play to win, and the rivalry can be fierce but at the end of the day we all have respect for each others clubs in this competition and will be gracious in defeat. Not sure this type of thing happens in the NWCA or VTCA?
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

YoungGun;340558 said:
what a great post this was even before the 2nd day of the last game of the season and glenroy wherent even in the finals !!!!

i dont think anybody will have much to say about this ....

Your right there YoungGun, the wording o this post is one of the worst on this site! Although you should be congratulated on even knowing how to switch a computer on:eek:
Good luck with doing your shoe laces up this morning.
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

3D-503;337284 said:
Hi Ho, is a trouble maker who has just created crap all year. I for one am glad he is going to St andrews he can take his loyal supporters as well, st andrews will have all sort of problems with him good luck to them.. By the way Hangman now that you know im not Hi ho can you guess who i am yet its been fun all year listning to everyone at training try to work out who 3D is....:):)

Took me awhile to work-out who Hi Ho was, been a bit of trouble ah [again....ask E. Keilor :rolleyes: from a few years ago] can't be too bad though he's sponsoring your club and the mighty E. Cob...........B Grade Premiers 08/09 :D I also notise that your wanting applications for Cpt/Coach ..... I Might apply hahahahahah how much you offering ? ? ? ?
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

Originally Posted by YoungGun
worry about making 310 u nimrod...... what a waste of a season being up there this hole time and to lose to pacoe in the last round that use wouldve been expected to win haha...

GLENROY for the flag

what a great post this was even before the 2nd day of the last game of the season and glenroy wherent even in the finals !!!!

i dont think anybody will have much to say about this ....

Your right there YoungGun, the wording on the above post is the worst on this site. Although you should be congratulated for knowing how to switch a computer on.
Good luck with doing your shoe laces up this morning!!
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

kcricket;340307 said:
Congrats to Glenroy and deepest condolences to St Andrew's. I hope we can be mates again King Kong. Just one things to say: If only you St Andrews boys beat ST Mary's in round 11, what a shame. You'd be 3 flags full. Hope to c all you blokes next season. Cheers.

p.s: Give Jonny Grant a spell, he puts in the hards yards always, and we are all human.

A spell..... Instead of him doing all those hard yards he should be doing more catching practice i would've thought!
Kcricket have you thought about buying him a catches mit???
Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat

piechuka;340676 said:
Took me awhile to work-out who Hi Ho was, been a bit of trouble ah [again....ask E. Keilor :rolleyes: from a few years ago] can't be too bad though he's sponsoring your club and the mighty E. Cob...........B Grade Premiers 08/09 :D I also notise that your wanting applications for Cpt/Coach ..... I Might apply hahahahahah how much you offering ? ? ? ?

Who is Hi Ho , I'm from E.Keilor and have no idea who you r talking about
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