I'd like that too Jessica, but where do we write our Story? Here?

Jake the Black Smith has work to do helping the needy in Romley.
He quietly under charges the poor and often asks Molly's permission to pay already discounted bills from their coinage spoils. Likewise Molly and Reverend Flasher discreetly helped the poor with looted coinage, one way or another, but nothing flashy so as not to attract attention.

A while back Jake had to return a cart load of poor quality iron ore to the Western Sheffield Quarry and as as recompense he got 50lbs of prime quality ore. In his forge he took 25lbs of that Best Iron Ore and went to work on it, Smelting it again and again to further refine it removing impurities, and mixing in fine amounts of other pure metals to his pot of molten iron, which was eventually poured carefully into pre baked clay molds.
It was a careful process and Jake used both his apprentices to assist him, and to learn.
For three days and nights a red glow and constant hammering was seen and heard from Jake's Forge. Apprentices covered in sweat were seen gulping down water briefly before returning to the heat and flames of the Forge.
Jakes wife and strange daughter attended to the sustenance of the Forge's Smithies, master to apprentices. Other family chipped in too.
It was three exquisite swords, but none had any flashy adornments.
Jake quietly gave a heavy Sabre to Sgt. Dawkins of Romley citing it was a gesture of appreciation from himself and other members of Romley's citizens, Rev Flasher and Molly included...
The other two sabres were medium sized, bland looking but quality made with guards, soft leather grip hard steel Pommels.
Jake offered those two sabres to Reverend Flasher and our Leader Molly.
Sabres are the weapon of best choice for horseback thought Jake.
Jake had his own heavy sabre from his father years back.

A trip to Petticoat Lane in Old London town or Sheffield should be done after the Ball job thought Jake, to flog those finer items in Reverend Flasher's Locked Store Room. Hundreds of silver Crowns for the poor thought Jake, and said a quiet prayer.

He'd spoken to his precocious daughter too, to little avail, who wants to become an actress in one of those Shakespearean plays in London. The Globe Theatre or some other..."Didn't it get burned down?
She annoyed me so much, he said, I actually gave in to her and bought her a book of Shakespeare's plays last time I was in London, and she even insisted on coming with me. With her and her mother screaming at me I had no choice! "What next Lord?"

She's also collecting old clothes to dress up in. I daren't mention our stash of those scarlet women's dresses. Best not let her know, she can be relentless. I'm telling youse, I know, as does God!"
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I'd like that too Jessica, but where do we write our Story? Here?

Jake the Black Smith has work to do helping the needy in Romley.
He quietly under charges the poor and often asks Molly's permission to pay already discounted bills from their coinage spoils. Likewise Molly and Reverend Flasher discreetly helped the poor with looted coinage, one way or another, but nothing flashy so as not to attract attention.

A while back Jake had to return a cart load of poor quality iron ore to the Western Sheffield Quarry and as as recompense he got 50lbs of prime quality ore. In his forge he took 25lbs of that Best Iron Ore and went to work on it, Smelting it again and again to further refine it removing impurities, and mixing in fine amounts of other pure metals to his pot of molten iron, which was eventually poured carefully into pre baked clay molds.
It was a careful process and Jake used both his apprentices to assist him, and to learn.
For three days and nights a red glow and constant hammering was seen and heard from Jake's Forge. Apprentices covered in sweat were seen gulping down water briefly before returning to the heat and flames of the Forge.
Jakes wife and strange daughter attended to the sustenance of the Forge's Smithies, master to apprentices. Other family chipped in too.
It was three exquisite swords, but none had any flashy adornments.
Jake quietly gave a heavy Sabre to Sgt. Dawkins of Romley citing it was a gesture of appreciation from himself and other members of Romley's citizens, Rev Flasher and Molly included...
The other two sabres were medium sized, bland looking but quality made with guards, soft leather grip hard steel Pommels.
Jake offered those two sabres to Reverend Flasher and our Leader Molly.
Sabres are the weapon of best choice for horseback thought Jake.
Jake had his own heavy sabre from his father years back.

A trip to Petticoat Lane in Old London town or Sheffield should be done after the Ball job thought Jake, to flog those finer items in Reverend Flasher's Locked Store Room. Hundreds of silver Crowns for the poor thought Jake, and said a quiet prayer.

He'd spoken to his precocious daughter too, to little avail, who wants to become an actress in one of those Shakespearean plays in London. The Globe Theatre or some other..."Didn't it get burned down?
She annoyed me so much, he said, I actually gave in to her and bought her a book of Shakespeare's plays last time I was in London, and she even insisted on coming with me. With her and her mother screaming at me I had no choice! "What next Lord?"

She's also collecting old clothes to dress up in. I daren't mention our stash of those scarlet women's dresses. Best not let her know, she can be relentless. I'm telling youse, I know, as does God!"
Has our story started here? 😀
Shall we go with the same theme?

For sure the same story Jessica, from where we left it with a view to the Masked Ball job.

Where art thou Flasher, say your words. 😁

Or start a new story?
I'd be happy to set the scene, and to keep it lite n easy, as best I can.
'A strange trip to the Chemist.'
Feeling blank for ideas for a new story I found this link below, that talks about lots of short story plots:
But not great after looking a bit..
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Molly and her men, Flasher and Jake, were satisfied with their stolen loot. The madam and her girls were robbed of jewels, clothes and money.
They made their quick getaway through the woods then went off track and headed to an abandoned cabin where they would get to stash their loot and lay low until they were sure the coast was clear....
Flasher was still tired but crawled out of a warm bed to eat breakfast Molly had prepared then dressed for church where thru bleary eyes he delivered the days sermon then hymns before thanking his parishioners for donating part of their meagre savings to the collection bowl which was placed conveniently on a small table by the double doors.
Jake was yarning away with some local farmers just outside the Church Doors, mainly listening.
Last several years Winters had been bitterly cold and many poor people and live stock had died frozen to death. Many fled to London which was even colder but more sheltered....the Thames had frozen over, and some even skated on it. Europe was the same and worse.


The farmers fearful of the coming winter were exchanging their stories of hardship and losses from recent bitterly cold winters....


"What's causing all this freezing? Is God punishing us sinners?"

"Even the sea froze". 5029613_orig.jpg

'I saw Rev Flasher yawn twice today up on his pulpit.'
"Wife n I really luved that firery sermon he did last month."

Seeing Molly Jake half turned and doffed his hat to her and glimpsed a boy in thin rags steal some pennies from Reverend Flasher's collection bowl. Molly followed Jake's eyes and saw the little thief too now walking head down towards a couple with 2 younger children all thin and like scarecrows in tattered clothing.

Poor people were dying in the streets of London.
Molly had yearned for a child of her own, maybe she could take in the young boy wearing tattered clothes, she could take him under her wing, then teach him how to rob the rich and get the pick of clothes and eat decent food. She'd have to ask Jake and Flasher for their approval first,no one joined their gang unless they all agreed....