Who are the Best APS 1st XI Coaches??

Re: Who are the Best APS 1st XI Coaches??

Club Cricketer;188014 said:
charles shaw is the best aps coach

The best example of Shaw's coaching was when Mathers from scotch was batting (a very patient innings) and Bett was bowling. It was an intriguing battle, with neither player giving an inch of ground; Bett bowling superbly (finished with 8 for) and Mathers not looking like going out. With Bett in full flight, Captain/Coach/Assistant Coach/World's largest consumer of sunscreen, Charles Shaw, couldn't help sending a 'super-secret' message to Bett in mid-over, by a very obvious gesture telling Bett to flight the ball up a little more. However Shaw was left looking a little silly when he realised Mathers was looking directly at him and Bett delighted in letting Shaw know this by shouting at him down the pitch.
Re: Who are the Best APS 1st XI Coaches??

Who should Coach the APS Team of 08 then?????

Carey's Spider
MGS's Coach Eric
Wesley's Rohan???

I think it should be Spider from Carey...........he is always fair and up for a good chat@|:eek:@|