Dvca - Money Shield - Season 2011/12

Get real Tongs we are playing park cricket and if there are players getting around our clubs that rely on money from playing cricket to put food on the table then they are in real trouble.We are community based clubs therefore we should be putting a lot more money back into development and coaching ( cricket department) stuff for our youth not some bloke who can`t put food on the table.From what i hear LP are putting a lot of time and money into their cricket department not to win flags this year but to build for the future,and if a few more of our clubs do that the DVCA will grow stronger and attract more kids to this great game. I know for one that i would rather send my boy to a club that has a structure based around paying coaches to develop kids than paying some has been big bucks.I spent many years in the HDCA and watched the comp. pay way above the odd`s for players, and their juniors suffered accordingly, now there is no HDCA. Lets not go down that path lets put the money back into the clubs structure and make a super strong comp.
get your hand off it lefty & face reality
Pretty much spot on Tongs! A lot of blokes who want to play cricket on a Saturday have to justify the time spent away from family commitments and in lots of cases work. Our club is no different to every other club in that we have quite a few young blokes with young famillies and whom are also tradies who give up extra dollars on a Saturday to play sport. In most cases what they get paid is compensating them for loss of potential income, and appeasing the grumblings of a missus. In most cases the player is just the middle man and it might be easier to negotiate with the wife or partner and throw in a shopping gift voucher worth a few grand, instead of paying the player;)
couldn't have said it any better!
Geeze, all I need this year is a flood of runs, then market myself, complain the gf won't let me play and im in the dollars with some of your clubs.....easy money. lol
Geeze, all I need this year is a flood of runs, then market myself, complain the gf won't let me play and im in the dollars with some of your clubs.....easy money. lol

If it meant getting a flood of runs, I'd give the hugs and kisses the flick. The money can buy her a one way ticket of her choice.
Or perhaps the bowlers are still a bit rusty?

Touche!! Could be, was just trying to get the folks talking about cricket again, rather than slagging blokes off. Is always a good sighter early in the year, all the bowlers are rusty, although with a new coach, it is new balls everywhere, so they do a bit, especially indoors.
Touche!! Could be, was just trying to get the folks talking about cricket again, rather than slagging blokes off. Is always a good sighter early in the year, all the bowlers are rusty, although with a new coach, it is new balls everywhere, so they do a bit, especially indoors.

I think it's Rule 1 in the New Coaches Manual "Demand new balls for practice", coz they all do it.
It's not a bad idea to have new balls at training, afterall you face them in a game. It gives much better batting and bowling practise to use a ball which hasn't been soaking wet 5 times turned into a rock and been smashed out of shape. I'd been asking for this for years, even resorted to bringing my own for people to bowl at me so I'm bloody pleased to actually see this happening. Flood of runs indeed, just feel all those positive waves, like how could we lose?
It's not a bad idea to have new balls at training, afterall you face them in a game. It gives much better batting and bowling practise to use a ball which hasn't been soaking wet 5 times turned into a rock and been smashed out of shape. I'd been asking for this for years, even resorted to bringing my own for people to bowl at me so I'm bloody pleased to actually see this happening. Flood of runs indeed, just feel all those positive waves, like how could we lose?
Taking your own ball to training, surely you jest BH..... is your club that stingy that it refuses to fork out on new balls. Times must be tough for you.
Get real Tongs we are playing park cricket and if there are players getting around our clubs that rely on money from playing cricket to put food on the table then they are in real trouble.We are community based clubs therefore we should be putting a lot more money back into development and coaching ( cricket department) stuff for our youth not some bloke who can`t put food on the table.From what i hear LP are putting a lot of time and money into their cricket department not to win flags this year but to build for the future,and if a few more of our clubs do that the DVCA will grow stronger and attract more kids to this great game. I know for one that i would rather send my boy to a club that has a structure based around paying coaches to develop kids than paying some has been big bucks.I spent many years in the HDCA and watched the comp. pay way above the odd`s for players, and their juniors suffered accordingly, now there is no HDCA. Lets not go down that path lets put the money back into the clubs structure and make a super strong comp.

Well said PIG! hoping thats the path greensy are taking with mick...
When I started playing we played for the club first, beers second. Money never came into it. But that is so different these days. Look at Kelsey. Hard to knock back 17 grand!! Don't reckon bubis went to stfrancis for 10 bucks!! If eltham didn't pay skips 10grand plus he'd be gone! I hate to say it but if you did a straw poll of dv cricketers between 21-40 most would say their back pocket was more important than any junior program at their club. Sad but true. But I'm interested to know how does brutal justify the 8 hours and 25 scotches on a Saturday to his Mrs when he doesn't even play??
When I started playing we played for the club first, beers second. Money never came into it. But that is so different these days. Look at Kelsey. Hard to knock back 17 grand!! Don't reckon bubis went to stfrancis for 10 bucks!! If eltham didn't pay skips 10grand plus he'd be gone! I hate to say it but if you did a straw poll of dv cricketers between 21-40 most would say their back pocket was more important than any junior program at their club. Sad but true. But I'm interested to know how does brutal justify the 8 hours and 25 scotches on a Saturday to his Mrs when he doesn't even play??

Please don't start on Skips getting brass at Eltham, Tongs will go off his head.
Not questioning skips loyalty. If anything you would have to congratulate eltham for forking out prob near 130 grand over last 15 year's!! Gee when you say it like that it's a bloody good earn. Take him 5-6 years on a cop salary to earn that. But he has earned it on the field.. Just a question to all. Who might have earned the most out of local cricket in last 20 years? Minney, bubis, keays, love, baker, Gibbs??
Not questioning skips loyalty. If anything you would have to congratulate eltham for forking out prob near 130 grand over last 15 year's!! Gee when you say it like that it's a bloody good earn. Take him 5-6 years on a cop salary to earn that. But he has earned it on the field.. Just a question to all. Who might have earned the most out of local cricket in last 20 years? Minney, bubis, keays, love, baker, Gibbs??

Before we go any further, you better define "earned".