

New Member

i have been gettin headspins when i train hard and stick 2 a sorta strict diet....

i have asked liz wat things could cause this and i now believe it is something 2 do with my diet....

i counted my KJ and b4 dinner i had only consumed 2800 (liz it was my KJ i re checked)

counting my dinner i prob. ate about 5000Kjs (rice and chicken 4 dinner... with a dohnut after it :))

throughout the day i feel like im eating enough......

but these headspins r becoming annoying.....
Re: headspins

Maybe you are getting dehydrated, try drinking more water next time you go for a hard training session, before, during and after
Re: headspins

Did you calculate with respect to weight of food or portion size?

If your calculations are correct, your consumption is far too low [especially with the inclusion of a dohnut!] and this would certainly explain your dizzy spells.

Write yourself a food diary; list everything you eat and drink and total the Kj at the end of each day.

Personally, I would not like to see you consume less than 8000 Kj/day, my preference would be 10000 Kj/day [for you] but good food; lots of veggies and good protein. If you are falling low, get yourself some baked beans on toast, poached egg on toast etc.

Start eating between meals; nuts, seeds, raw veggies, fruit etc.
Re: headspins

I've been getting kind of dizzy and almost fainting lately in the heat. I get up from where I have been lying down doing whatever, then when I enter a different room it goes party black for half a second and I can't really see where I am going. But then it goes quickly and everything is fine. But a few times I have nearly fainted, and one time I think I might of passed out for a second (is that possible?). I've been told it might be due to low blood pressure plus the heat maybe? I haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary either and my diet hasn't changed drastically.
Re: headspins

thats exactly wat mine is.... i havnt passed out.. but have been pretty close 2 it... it happens when i stand up (no matter how fast)...
Re: headspins

There are many reasons why this can happen and yes, blood pressure is one but very unlikely [not impossible] for guys your age.

Its very hot in your part of the World at the moment, have you been replacing your fluid, more importantly, your mineral loss?
Re: headspins

hmm the temp hasnt been 2 hot up my way... fair bit of rain....
ive been drinkin about 2-3 litres a day.... im not sure wat u mean when u say replacing minerals??
Re: headspins

Sorry A_B, that post was meant for Jonesy.

We discussed hydration and I think your problem is lack of energy from your diet.

Although the two of you are experiencing the same symptoms, I think the causes are different.

Continue with the diary and let me know how you get on after [say] five days.

As for 'minerals', take a look at my recipe for an isotonic drink in the 'fizzy drinks' thread.
Re: headspins

yeh i get head spins but iv never fainted
i think i need to drink more water
how much water should i be drinking a day at the age of 14?
Re: headspins

The amount of water you need is based on your weight rather than your age, however, you should be drinking between 2.5-3lt of water per day.

You should never feel thirsty; if you are the slightest bit thirsty, you are probably 2% dehydrated. This equates to approximately 20% loss in performance; mental as well as physical.

1% dehydration has negative effects on the brain and CNS.

5% dehydration can be fatal!
Re: headspins

Out of curiosity, do you guys think you are getting enough iron?

The early symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia include tiredness, headache, poor performance and sometimes light-headedness.

Those most a at risk include teenagers and well trained performers.
Re: headspins

Well, dehydration can cause headaches too. Next time you have one, don't reach for the pills, reach for half a litre of water. The side effect of a lot of pain killers is... wait for it... headaches [well I never!]
Re: headspins

hmmm i heard a rumour that if u have low iron the inside of your eye lids are a real light pink rather then a darkish pink... is this true???
Re: headspins

Iron is needed for the formation of haemoglobin in blood, which carries oxygen around the body. Haemoglobin is the molecule that make red blood cells.

Iron deficiency anaemia is a low level of circulating haemoglobin so your 'rumour' has some foundation.

However, different people are very different ;) if one person's eye lids are lighter than another's, it does not mean they are anaemic, though its a possible :D