Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Interesting turn of events. I hope what he is saying is the truth. I don't know much about Ayurvedic medicine so I'm puzzled as to how it got detected as drugs.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Akram has been in constant touch with Asif, who was understandably "shattered" by the events, but maintained that he did not know what the substance was and had been carrying it in his wallet for several months.

Surely, if you have something in your wallet but you don't know what it is, you either ask someone or bin it?
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Asif's an idiot. He tried to claim last time that he didn't know what he was taking. He must be a complete and utter fool. Someone hit him very hard in the face with a cricket bat.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Leave that upto Shoaib Akhtar :p He obviously is a big fool if he got tricked twice into consuming/possessing drugs. If it was deliberate then he is a cheat. Either way he doesn't come out looking good from this.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Desperate measures when you can't think of anything else - I know exactly how it feels. Lots of similar experiences - especially at school. But now I'm really good at it, I can come with ingenious answers - it's all about practicing under pressure. You have to learn under pressure - Asif can improvise in his excuse-making nets....

But you know these local ppl - ayurvedic or not - they could be selling 'anything'. Especially in Pakistan - it's one kind of a place, even India - but it has quite a lot more control.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

King Pietersen said:
Asif's an idiot. He tried to claim last time that he didn't know what he was taking. He must be a complete and utter fool. Someone hit him very hard in the face with a cricket bat.
Well you cant be that offensive to a professional player
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Now, now. Everyone is allowed to have there opinion on this site, and if they think that a player is an idiot then they have a right to express that point of view.

If you disagree then fine, but please back it up with a argument or debate and respect that ultimately your views may differ.

Also, please remember that this is a text based site and not everything is meant in the way it may have been written - in this case I'm sure that KP isn't actually advocating that someone attacks Asif (or any other player for that matter) with a cricket bat. It's a figure of speech to denote that he should have more sense.

With that done and dusted, please try to stay on topic - don't make me have to delete posts or lock this thread.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Well i am not trying to offend KP or Shaazthegreat, i am saying that it is not good to say 'idiot' to someone.
Staying on the Topic, Lets see whats the final verdict.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

I'm sure we will have an update in the next 24hrd or so, once the Dubai authorities have had a chance to test the substance and Asif has had the opportunity to speak to his lawyer.

On the face of things, it doesn't look good for him and you'd have to question his attitude and possibly his intelligence if he is found to be guilty. As I said, to be carrying around an unidentified substance is madness, especially when you're travelling as much as he does.

The whole 'I didn't realise' excuse may have washed with the PCB but this is a whole different ball game. That said, I hope this is a simple mix up and he learns something from it. He has the potential to be a very fine fast bowler and the spearhead of the Pakistan attack for the next 8+ years, I just hope that any fame hasn't gone to his head and it's not a case of too much, too soon and a wasted talent.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

What a plonker, if he has been caught with something then it's his tough luck, shouldn't have been so stupid.

Idiotic is the perfect way to describe him.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Not much news on this. The test results of his urine sample is still awaited. Cricinfo reports that there has been a death in UAE's royal family and all the government offices will remain shut for the next few days, which might be the reason behind the delay.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Some of the bleatings from the PCB sums up some of the problems in world cricket at the moment.

I know that they have to support their player until they know what they're dealing with, but it seems that they think they can apply pressure to the UAE government and get Asif off, regardless of what he was carrying.

It may work that way when dealing with things in house but this is a whole different kettle of fish.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

It's just been announced that Pakistan have dropped Asif from their squad for the one dayers coming up. They still claim to back him though, hmm.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

The dropping is sensible as he may not be released for a few more days, due to the reason as mentioned by AB.

Then you have to ask what place mentally he'll be in after a week of detention.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

Well, the one-dayers start in 2 days and he's going to be detained for a few days, I'd assume. They had no alternative but to replace/drop him. Shouldn't have dropped him from the squad though.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

The case against Asif has been dropped and he has been deported back to Pakistan. The prosecutor maintains that Asif is guilty but they suspended the case due to 'insignificance'. PCB is going to conduct an inquiry regarding this issue but we all know how that's going to work out. There is a good chance that Asif will play for Pakistan again.