NMCA 2019/2020

Dennis used to put on an amazing spread. so much so that u just couldn't run after tea cause u ate so much. great tactic from Dennis. Fill the oppositions belly. better chance of beating them
DENNIS and FAIRFIELD used to be the best in the old days. DONATH put on a big spread incl icy poles on hot days .Some clubs give you ziltch.
Dennis and Fairfield still have fantastic spreads! Two clubs that aren’t the “richest” but still do what they can. Haven’t seen the icys at Donath but doesn’t surprise me they would do that.
Dennis and Fairfield still have fantastic spreads! Two clubs that aren’t the “richest” but still do what they can. Haven’t seen the icys at Donath but doesn’t surprise me they would do that.
Have to agree, Fairfield hands down the best out there! Trinity does a fair spread. Donath not too bad aswell. All about what you like really
well Fairfield is the team mentioned already this year bring esky full of grog to game / games.. if this is true very very disappointing..
I can’t see who mentioned Fairfield bringing grog to any game. people are talking about lunch spreads with the clubs mentioned. Holy Trinity another club that do a fantastic effort with lunches.
Jika looking very very open.

As is Quick, still think socials are favourites, but can only really rule out Old Ivanhoe, Fairfield and Dennis. Other 5 sides still in with a chance, Those 3 sides only a chance to be back where they belong in Kelly (Perhaps a bit harsh on OI who have only been around for a few years) but Dennis and Fairfield belong with the likes of Footballers, Strathy and West Preston. And that's not the best company to be in, WP are captained by a certain individual kicked out of more clubs than I've had hot dinners.
Jika looking very very open.

As is Quick, still think socials are favourites, but can only really rule out Old Ivanhoe, Fairfield and Dennis. Other 5 sides still in with a chance, Those 3 sides only a chance to be back where they belong in Kelly (Perhaps a bit harsh on OI who have only been around for a few years) but Dennis and Fairfield belong with the likes of Footballers, Strathy and West Preston. And that's not the best company to be in, WP are captained by a certain individual kicked out of more clubs than I've had hot dinner

come on peanut don’t be like that, how about you talk about how many clubs wouldn’t be around if not for his recruitment and effort, time and money put in? how it ends isn’t as black and white as you post, stick your dinners up your arse as well
Back up to three teams this year and under 10s plus milo, lots of positive things happening , just another clueless post made

all down to you? how humble. I hope it keeps up anyway, best thing to happen to your historic club was the righting of the wrong that had you playing at fat EAST preston in Sullivan. just hope it all holds together after you 'move on' again!
all down to you? how humble. I hope it keeps up anyway, best thing to happen to your historic club was the righting of the wrong that had you playing at fat EAST preston in Sullivan. just hope it all holds together after you move on again!

you call them rabble and won’t be around in three years and now you want them to survive , you need to make up your mind, haha maybe if you care so much post some decent posts
The baseballers train is coming & heading for the A grade shield. You watch the gentlemen from dugout win big. too good...
bye bye to the Kookies & Eagles, there's a new boys on the block. & also I hearing big big trouble at Hayes Park.